Border Town
Border Town
| 28 June 2009 (USA)
Border Town Trailers

In the five years since human traffickers kidnapped his daughter Vincent has traveled the world and left a bloody wake behind him. Now he has found the town where his daughter is being held and the pimp who's keeping her. Over one night in Solo, Mexico Vincent is determined to fulfill the promise he made years ago: get his daughter back and kill the man who took her.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
cyberwoff There was no Christian agenda, and certainly no oogling of the daughter's breasts by the father. Thee are a few problems with the pacing of the movie, but all in all the father and especially Isabella do a good job. I think the movie slows a bit, waiting for the big shootout to begin, but once it gets started, it pretty much gets the movie back on track. This is not the best movie of its genre, and there are times when it could have been better, but taken as it is, the movie is entertaining. I know that when the movie ended, I felt a little better for seeing it. I just wish that the maker of Border Town had seen fit to make the last scene more believable. Or at least more cool. Instead of the father just running away from all the bullets, which was basically impossible without getting shot, they could have had him with two pistols, diving and dodging and such. I still liked the movie.
actionfilm-2 Border Town has several things going for it. Great cinematography, beautiful lighting, solid and natural performances from the 2 leads Mark Joy and Linda Rodriguez, and visual effects that blend nicely into the film giving it an at times dreamlike quality.It also has several things working against it. Pacing is a little slow, some performances not quite solid, dialog is standard fare, standard action scenes as well (I'm sure due to budget limitations). It's difficult for a film to stand out based purely on technical expertise these days, as there are so many films that are made well visually. Yes, Border Town is a character study of those populating the film, but it also presents itself as an action film. And there is part of the problem as well, because the film hinges on the final action scene which is staged in such a manner that the viewer's disbelief is not suspended for the time it takes to play out. Don't know if I can recommend the film wholeheartedly, but certainly recognize it as a worthy effort from those involved and will keep it in the DVD collection.
ViacomFilms "Border Town" A Law Less Modern Day Mexican Western spins a tale of a deadly town disarmingly affable--and the small-time family man, desperate enough to find his only Daughter. It aims to be a straight-up Mexican Western and deliver the excitement and charisma the genre's fans are starved for. Recognizing that contemporary viewers might be out of touch with the simplicity and strength of the genre--not to mention its code of honor-- This is a surprisingly GREAT movie! Great action climax, the crossfire of personal agendas is almost as frenetic as the copious gun play. Actors performances are sincere and aching and sometimes comedic ( Newcomer Linda Rodriguez who plays Isabella has a Fearless and Provocative performance -- not to be missed ) The greatest part of "Border Town" is that it transcends all boundaries: race, gender, class and region. Having never seen a modern day Law Less Mexican WESTERN film, "Border Town" proves there is a whole genre that is being ignored. Thankfully, "Border Town" has been able to break a door down."Border Town" is a must Watch-
AudioFileZ We've seen the story here done a few times and better at that, but for an indie with a low budget it's watchable, even entertaining, if you get past some of the predictability and the rote, many times laughable dialog. To be in a genre with past masters like Sergio Leonne and even newer homage paying directors like Robert Rodriquez, well, the going is tough as it sets the bar almost beyond indie reach (I know I'm going be called for this as Rodriquez did amazing stuff as an indie, but he definitely is more the exception than the rule).It isn't a classic by any stretch, but with better dialog and more cinematic, "film-like" (i.e. not video) visuals it would likely be a stronger contender as the actors and actresses, though unknown, turn in decent characterizations. As you can tell, I find it lacking a bit yet entertaining enough to watch.