Bone Sickness
Bone Sickness
NR | 08 October 2004 (USA)
Bone Sickness Trailers

Her husband's health suddenly devastated by a terminal bone disease, a desperate young woman finds her search for alternative treatment leading to unexpectedly grave consequences.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
The-Green-Fuz I'll keep this review generally informal, just to get across what one would likely want to know about this film before viewing it.First off, this film is an absolute piece of garbage by the conventional standards of mainstream cinema. It is poorly acted, poorly scripted, poorly lit (ex. green dollar store light bulbs), the story is quite weak, etc. I also warn you, this film is ultra low budget, and it LOOKS low budget. Yes, this is one of the ones that you can tell was shot on a cheap digital camera. It has that video feel and atmosphere, so don't expect even B movie quality video, as this one's Z grade all the way.With all that said, this film is very enjoyable for the right audience. It is an absolute gem for horror fans that can look past, or even enjoy a film that has that low budget charm. If you want to watch a film that puts gore before everything else, this is a great choice. We get many gore gags throughout the first chunk of the film, and then towards the end, we get a massive (MASSIVE!) payoff of cheap but very well done splatter. The zombies are of the slow, clunky, Fulci variety, and the gore is slimy, dirty, gooey, bright, splattery, etc. It gets really gross.To wrap this up, this is a film for low budget splatter fans who have already experienced the likes of all the classic gore films. This one is for those who want to dig a little deeper and explore cheap, low budget splatter by the lesser known and established film makers. It's for people who highly regard the classic gore (not that it's all about the gore) of a Romero, Jackson, Raimi, Argento, Fulci, etc, but can also have a lot of fun with the likes of Olaf Ittenbach type splatter flicks.
Indyrod Now this is what I'm talking about. This is without doubt, one of the goriest movies ever made, regardless of budget. This is in "Brain Dead" territory, as completely over the top gore that left a huge smile on this old gorehound's face. Yes, it is definitely very low-budget, but it is a no holds barred zombie movie that lets it all hang out. A man has been stricken with a deadly bone disease, and his good friend that works in a morgue helps the man and his Wife treat the sickness with their on concoction made from dead human's bones. This pisses off the dead, and why wouldn't it, so they rise from the graves and we have an all out zombie attack of epic proportions. "Unearthed Films" has released this movie, which was actually a smaller movie that became much bigger and bolder with "Unearthed" assistance. The shear amount of gore in this movie is so massive, that I soon forgot all about the cheapness of the effects themselves, because to be honest, I used to live for these kind of movies. I love low-budget genre filmmakers, that are not restricted in any way by the studio system and ratings, and wants to give the gorehounds exactly what they want, and in this case, even more. For gorehounds, this is like a gift from the gore Gods, and you don't want to miss it. Add to all the explosive amount of shear splatter, you also get some very nice looking naked beauties, which doesn't hurt. Of course, they don't look so good when the zombies get through with them, but what the hell. I only listened to part of the commentary, which sounds very entertaining, but it does appear a sequel is in the works, which is great news. The story is left open at the end, which like Night of the Living Dead, it led into more movies. There's a little twist at the end, that adds a different dimension to the whole story, but I'll leave that alone for now. "Bone Sickness" does what it was intended to do, and that's provide as much gore as possible, and also some other pretty sick stuff. The puking of live worms is something you have to see to believe. If you don't like this extreme stuff, then for Gawd's sake, stay away from this movie. This goes way way beyond anything you have probably seen before, and I can't wait for the sequel, which the filmmakers promise to be even worse... I mean better...
Michael Reed I've recently read a review of this picture that said: "The acting in this low-budget, independent zombie film is actually surprisingly good. All of the actors and actresses (who get completely naked!) actually give great performances and it is obvious that they really worked hard to make sure they delivered the best performance possible. Not only was there great acting..." I had to laugh. Look, I'm all for giving kudos where kudos are due...but the acting in this picture was not wasn't even decent. Here is a problem with indie movies...people actually think this caliber of acting is good. Acting is just as important as lighting or sound...if its bad, the movie suffers. And it does...suffer.Like I said, I'll give kudos where they are deserved: the gore and makeup effects in Bone Sickness are incredibly good, given the micro-budget it was shot with. Makeup artists should take note of Paulin's detail and execution. Excellent job in this category.Another area this movie excels is in the nudity. I don't know how Paulin managed to get multiple cute girls completely naked...but he did, and I don't think they were strippers. Gore and nudity sells horror films...and the nudity in this film is a great bonus. Too bad the lead girl has to lay down to show her boobs...they are huge, and should have been shown with her standing up, not on her back. I suppose they must sag, and this was the most flattering of positions...but still, they are too big to not see standing up. The red head in the film had an especially nice figure, and she got fully nude...excellent! It's ashame that other than the nudity, gore effects, and makeup...the movie slouches to a 1 star picture. The camera they shot it on wasn't very good (certainly not HD), and the DP and lighting designer (if they had one) didn't know how to optimize picture quality. There were also far too many slow motion effects, which looked horrible and digitized--if it looks bad, don't do it, unless you absolutely have to. Paulin uses slow-mo nearly a dozen times...and they all look like crap.The sound was passable, but still suffered from your typical no-budget film issues: blips, background noise jumping up and down, inaudible dialog...I don't imagine they used a boom once (I could be wrong).Paulin...take my advice. Go to Hollywood and be a makeup artist--you'll do quite well for yourself. Don't direct pictures. Yes, they may sell because your gore and nudity are awesome...but the movies, storyline, acting, lighting and sound need a lot of work. It's really sad that you not only cast yourself as one of the leads, but it's even sadder that you're the most natural actor in the cast (which isn't saying much).Sorry about the bad review. I think you need to drop directing, and focus on what you're good at: gore and makeup.
bsmjuggalo WHAT?! I CAN'T GIVE NEGATIVE STARS?!I made the mistake of picking up Bone Sickness, well it's not so much a mistake as it was an awful, deep regret that I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I picked up a used copy (big surprise that someone returned it) and read the back of the case, saying it was in the vein of Lucio Fulci classics and it was wrong, dead wrong. Bone Sickness is the biggest waste of time, the biggest waste of film and certainly THE WORST horror movie ever made. I would rather watch ANY Ed Wood movie on repeat ALL DAY LONG, then sit through this horrible pile EVER again. I immediately returned this crap back to the video store I purchased it from, and I know now that I should have destroyed it, so no one else would have to suffer through it.All The zombies looked the same, and no make up, just cheap masks. They were covered in cheap, Halloween spider webs that you can buy at Wal*Mart, the suits the corpses were wearing looked brand new, just cut up a bit to appear old. They used the same props for the same gags over and over again. The acting was beyond sub-par, it was as if they just looked at the script once, slaughtered the line, then moved on to the next worthless scene. The sound sucked, everything was either overkill or hardly audible, annoying soundtrack too. The picture was horrible, as if it was filmed on a camera someone stole from a High School in the early 90s'. I can only tell that the positive reviews given for this movie are either from people who have never seen a decent horror movie in their pitiful lives or someone who was directly involved with this steaming pile of moronic dribble. "Hey, let's randomly add scorpions for no reason" COOL! "Hey, let's make the dude crap out worms" HEY, DOUBLE COOL! Sorry, I meant CRAP.The script for this movie was probably a page in length (and that's me being generous) because the people behind this movie were obviously dumb. REAL dumb. So if you value spending your time wisely, skip this crap. If you are a moron who doesn't mind watching worthless movies for the second rate gore and ugly chicks running around nude, Then knock yourself out moron.