Blue Desert
Blue Desert
R | 11 July 1991 (USA)
Blue Desert Trailers

After surviving rape, comic-book artist Lisa Roberts is moving from New York City to small town in Arizona. But there's danger in small towns too.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Movie Enthusiast This movie had lots of flaws but overall still watchable such as Saturday night entertainment for example. I liked the actors, the setting, and atmosphere and the base idea of the script was really good. But the way the whole script was played out and directed was full of plot holes and that was the main flaw of he movie and why it was not as engaging as it could have been. It is very unfair to blame actors for it though as some other reviewers have done as the actors simply have to do what the script and director says. So the way Lisas character was acting and reacting in certain situations was totally unrealistic. Like she had been threatened by the geeky guy before and when he turns up again instead of locking herself in trailer she goes out and offers him a sandwich. OK, suppose that was for diversion,for calming him down. But while the guy is eating sandwich, she had a good opportunity to run inside, lock the door, grab a hammer or something.But no, she instead joins him for a drink! On top of that, she lets him inside all the while she had all the time to slam the door in front of his nose, lets him to fix the sink and then volunteers to go near him!Or, a after another attempt of sexual attack, she undresses herself with lights on and windows uncovered! Also, the couple who rented her the trailer were just 50 m away in the house! Yet it never occurred to her to ask their help or to sleep in the house together with couple after the attacks and threats! Also, in the life threatening situations Lisa remains surprisingly calm and mellow. That was not very realistic either. A normal reaction would have been absolute hysteric and panic.In spite of all that, I still quite liked the movie but I wish i had thread and needle to sew up the plot holes!
merklekranz There is an awful lot wrong with this picture, beginning with a script that is both obvious and redundant. Courtney Cox plays a comic book artist who escapes to a small desert town after being raped twice in the big city. She immediately is stalked by a local who appears quite unhinged (Craig Sheffer), and who seems to be attempting a third rate Mickey Rourke imitation. D.B. Sweeny is a local cop, who is supposedly there to protect and serve. Meanwhile, the script manipulates the audience as to who's really the good guy? Logic flies out the window after the first ten minutes and never returns, and there are more unanswered questions than there should be. If you think "Blue Desert" might be saved by the wonderful Philip Baker Hall, you will be disappointed. His part is insignificant, just like the entire movie. - MERK
alfaman I would totally agree with the review made by the guy before me. This movie really has everything going for it. I was very impressed with the story line & plot as well as the great acting by Cox and Sweeny among others. I would ask anyone who likes thriller flicks to go and rent this you won't be in for something boring and predictable.
sambuca I first saw 'Blue Desert' by chance on a late TV show and I liked so much I rented it twice on video, although I had missed the first scenes and didn't know its title.However, every time I've talked to friends about this movie, it looks like they haven't even heard about it. And it's a shame because in my opinion this is one of the best thrillers of the decade, much better than the overrated 'Silence of the lambs' and 'Wild things', but somehow it seems that it never attracted the attention it deserved.The plot and direction are (almost) flawless, the suspense builds on from the first until the last minute and Courteney Cox makes a top-quality performance.However, I would still advise everyone to give this movie a chance because it's definitely worth it.(My Rating: 8/10)