Blue Demon
Blue Demon
PG-13 | 15 October 2004 (USA)
Blue Demon Trailers

The "Blue Demon" project is an attempt by a team of scientists to train Great White sharks to protect America's coastline from any intruders.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Diane Vierra Personally, I found it really amusing about Tom Zuehlsdorff's comment on Cricket Selena being the only good part of the movie and I have to agree. I met Cricket Selena briefly at a restaurant near Santa Monica, while waiting to be seated, and she told me about the small part she had in Blue Demon. I thought she did a great job playing the part of the bitchy sorority girl, which is a far cry from the kind and friendly person she was when we were talking. It was kind of a bummer her character met such a horrible demise, yet I remember Cricket telling me she had fun playing the shark victim and that her character kinda' got what she deserved.I've been on the look-out in hopes of seeing her in another movie, but so far no avail. Does anyone know if she has anything on the horizon? -Diane
sarah3118 Pathetic one in this movie can act..there are no shark jaws.. all u see is shark fins! Most of the movie is talking rubbish..which is done by so-called actors..because i swear..i could act better than that!! The best this movie could do was show some computerized sharks swimming under water. But lets face it..if you rent a shark movie you want to see sharks attacking people right? You don't want to see sharks swimming under water all day. I just cant believe I wasted time and money on this movie. I would definitely not recommend this to ANYONE! Ridiculous waste of time!! Just rent jaws again instead!
randyw41a After seeing this film, I've come to the conclusion that, Plan 9 From Outer Space, should have won an Oscar. Bad acting, bad plot, bad dialog, un-scary sharks. The list could go on and on. I actually sat through this entire film, hoping it would get better, but Noooo! Now Jeff Fahey's character was the only redeeming factor in this movie, and that was for the comedic value of his part. Poor Jeff must have needed some serious pocket cash, or he must be a close friend of the Producer's. There were several cute girls in the movie, Whitney Sloan, being one of them, but even they couldn't save this poor excuse for a horror film. If you're an Ed Wood fan, you might like this flick, but I think Ed's movies are far far better than this...
slayrrr666 "Blue Demon" is a rather unnecessary shark film.**SPOILERS**Marla Collins, (Dedee Pfeiffer) and her ex-husband Nathan, (Randall Batinkoff) are engineering Great White Sharks for a special military contract, and are able to get some results before the project is shut down. An accident during the demonstration of the sharks releases them from their holding tanks, they get loose, causing a major panic at the laboratory. Tracking both the sharks and the government operatives on their trail, they try to stop the insider on the project from using the sharks for their personal gain.The Good News: There's very few good qualities about this film. The fact that the film actually has some occasionally funny bits, as practically any scene with their dwarf of a boss or the incessant complaining about the status of their marriage will attest., these provide some choice comedic moments every now and then, and several of them are actually funny. The opening sequence is perhaps as good as it gets in the suspense and scariness categories, and actually gets the biggest death in the film. It's appropriately enough for a good bang opening, which makes it far more memorable than later on. Other than those two things, there isn't much else in here.The Bad News: As much as I wanted top like this, there's three factors here that doom this beyond all hope: the rating, the clichéd script, and the lack of shark action. For a film about a group of killer sharks, it's almost unforgivable to have less kills than the number of sharks in the group. That's what happens here. And there isn't a huge number of sharks in the group, either, and there was plenty of opportunities for the sharks to get some more kills in. There's at least three scenes of them gathering around a potential victim only for them to be saved at the last moment or the sharks are diverted away from the prey and they are able to escape. It grew frustrating after the third such encounter, seeing as how it's hard to generate much fear in a creature that can't kill any unsuspecting prey. That alone is a major obstacle to get over, as is the cliché manner of the script. Everything in here has been covered before in other, better films. There is at least a dozen films this steal elements from on display here, and that's just giving a quick cursory glance. Looking harder, there's probably a good dozen or more that it steals from. This just feels repetitive, and for a sub-genre that doesn't offer much originality to begin with, that's another major strike against it. The death blow, however, is the rating. All of this could've been forgivable had the few attacks it had been incredibly gory and featured lots of blood. Sadly, there's nothing in here at all worthy of being called gory, and it's hard to even call the film violent. Take out some language bits and this could go down a further notch. It doesn't even matter that the love interest took up most of the first half, negating the sharks to the second half or that they look as some of the most unconvincing creations from a computer, it could've been at least decent. But that there alone kills the film more than it's other major two problems.The Final Verdict: Incredibly boring shark film with very few redeeming factors to help it along. It's all been seen before, and the rating does it no help. Only see this if you're afraid of sharks or need to see every one of them ever made. Otherwise, don't really bother with this one.Rated PG-13: Language and some violence