Bloodfist VII: Manhunt
Bloodfist VII: Manhunt
| 03 October 1995 (USA)
Bloodfist VII: Manhunt Trailers

Don "the Dragon" Wilson is a man pursued. Branded a cop-killer, he must fight simply to stay alive, and to clear his name... with the very police who framed him.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
DigitalRevenantX7 Whilst travelling to Mexico, former Special Forces soldier Jim Trudell saves a woman from some idiot bikers. They spend the night together in a motel room but when Trudell wakes up the next morning he finds the woman gone & his car missing with a set of keys for a BMW on the table for him. Taking the BMW, Trudell tracks down the mystery woman to Los Angeles but finds himself being chased by crooked cops who believe that he has information on their illegal car theft ring. As the cops pursue him by pinning false murder charges on him, Trudell uses his skills to evade the manhunt & track down the woman, who is actually the only surviving witness to a murder committed by the crooked cops.The Bloodfist series is now into its seventh entry & with no clearer purpose than to make some easy money amongst the flood of cheap action films that swarmed the 1990s. With the previous entry leaving a bad taste in the mouth by being a cheap Die Hard knockoff, Manhunt tries to rectify the situation.In its defence, Bloodfist VII: Manhunt is one of the better sequels in the series. Gone is the strange obsession with nuclear weaponry that plagued the previous three sequels, instead being replaced by a simple manhunt for a former soldier who happens to have stumbled onto a car theft ring being run by crooked cops.Whilst not a particularly good film, Manhunt is still miles ahead of most of the previous sequels, although not as good as the third entry Forced to Fight. Don "The Dragon" Wilson has been steadily improving his acting skills & does a reasonable job in playing the hero in this film. The supporting cast also do a pretty reasonable job – Steven Williams clearly has some fun in his role while Jillian McWhirter is quite effective as the mystery woman whose plight becomes the hero's as well. A reasonable time waster, although still being mediocre.
Wizard-8 "Bloodfist 7" is a little better than the previous entry in the series. It doesn't look as cheap, for one thing, because it's mostly shot on location instead of shabby sets. Some of the locations are interesting, showing the real run down side of Los Angeles. And actor Steven Williams does well as the chief detective on the case. Still, it's not a movie you should actively seek out. There's a lot less martial arts in the movie than you'd think, with a long middle portion where there are ZERO martial arts on display. And the martial arts fighting is pretty disappointing, with rapid cuts and unspectacular choreography. However, female viewers (and a few male viewers) will no doubt enjoy the multiple times that Don Wilson takes off his shirt. I'll see you again when I review "Bloodfist 8"!
Frank Markland Don Wilson stars as a man on the run from the usual goons who are CIA or something like that, in other words this is a rip off of Bloodfist V, sans the amnesia subplot. Bloodfist VII is basically as worthless as # 1, # 5 and #6, only this time there is barely any action and because nobody rents movies like this for the story, one is left to question the plot's clichéd and insipid script.Plus the action sequences are lame and badly filmed, it doesn't help that the movie is so dreary and dull that one immediately forgets it after seeing it. Some better production values aside, Bloodfist VII is a loser. As usual Wilson is terrible and the series has turned into uninspired and witless garbage. Case in point here.* out of 4-(Bad)
luvs2luv2003 Don "the dragon" Wilson plays Jim, i guy that is on the run, he gets mixed up with the wrong girl, and all of the police are after him,there are some really good Kick boxing scenes in it, and the fight choreographer did a good job with the fighting scenes, this has to be the second best movie i have seen Don in!!
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