Blood Relic
Blood Relic
R | 07 July 2005 (USA)
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A group of college kids hired to help open an aviation museum on a closed U.S. military airbase accidentally unearth an ancient artifact which unleashes an evil spirit whom possesses them one by one making the host kill off the rest.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Woodyanders A bunch of young folks are hired to help open an aviation museum on an old closed U.S. military airbase. They find themselves being terrorized by an ancient evil spirit that they accidentally unleash. Director J. Christian Ingvordsen and screenwriter Matthew M. Howe trot out all the usual endearingly creaky old school retro 80's knifekill clichés: Hokey fake scares, a vicious and mysterious masked maniac, a couple of obvious creepy red herring characters, a handy helping of graphic gore, the inevitable have sex and die routine, and a generous amount of yummy gratuitous female nudity (seven bare breasts in total!). Moreover, Ingvordsen relates the familiar, yet still enjoyable story at a steady pace, makes good use of the sprawling location, and concludes the picture on a surprisingly bleak and nihilistic note. Billy Drago deliciously hams it up as batty curator Hank. Ubiquitous seasoned scream queen Debbie Rochon provides a winning blend of sass and spirit as the sarcastic Corey. Delectably buxom brunette knockout Caitlin Sabins supplies the best and most succulent undraped skin as the kinky Alison. In addition, there are solid contributions from Joshua Park as the amiable Dan, Jennifer Lauren Grant as the perky Teri Jablonski, Kelly Ray as the spunky Rachel, and Jon Christian as morose war veteran Hank. The revelation of the killer's identity is a genuine surprise. Howe's crisp cinematography gives the movie a pleasingly polished look. Timo Elliston's shivery score hits the shuddery spot. Recommended viewing for slice'n'dice fans.
lastliberal It really didn't take long in this slasher flick before one of the hot teens working in museum reveals her ample beauties. Rachel (Kelly Ray) is accosted in a hallway and offers her skin to the slasher.Soon after a slasher starts collecting hearts from his victims. My money is on old Harry (Billy Drago), as he seems especially creepy. But, the wacko Hank (Jon Christian), the dude who went ballistic and killed three sailors, is out of the hospital. Is he after the blood relic he left behind? It's time to party, and Corey (Debbie Rochon) is just having a fun time, but it is Pam (Melanie Rademaker) that really wants the party to start, and, boy does she get it started.While Pam and Mark are off doing their thing, Corey is winning at strip poker and has Rachel topless again, along with Alison (Caitlin Sabins). Things are getting interesting.Then the blood starts flowing...15 boobies, 11 dead, and one decapitation.
danthewrestlingmanorigin Everything you desire in an 80's slasher movie is here. And what elevates Blood Relic somewhat, is the unique location used, which certainly beats the cheap storage garage sets many low budget films use today. Also two of my personal favorites, Debbie Rochon, and Billy Drago are involved. Sadly Debbie is not the star, but her scenes are still beneficial to the film. And for my money, Billy Drago can be in the most lousy piece of trash film imaginable, and still deliver an engrossing villainous performance. The kill scenes were solid here, and the ladies shed there clothes often. Ingvordsen has finally got a grasp on what fans of this genre enjoy, after his watchable, yet almost pg level Bog Creatures. In the end this is an above average throwback, with a unique setting, and the required horror goodies.
Joseph P. Ulibas Blood Relic (2005) is another in a long line of terrible straight-to-video movies. Some are fun but most of them are dreadful and unwatchable. This is one of those that need to be not seen and never heard from. The only reason that I didn't give this movie a straight zero was that low budget movie queen Debbie Rochon was in the picture and she was hot to look at. Other than that I wouldn't give it the time of day. Billy Drago looks like he drank all of his money. He could barely stand up and all he did was mumble his badly written dialog. He tries to come off like Udo Kier. But Udo's cool and he can still deliver a performance. Billy Drago was just too painful to watch. A bad movie all around that doesn't warrant a further look.Stay away, not recommended.