Blood Money
Blood Money
R | 28 August 2012 (USA)
Blood Money Trailers

Zheng Zhou is the most feared warrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills are legendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to a life of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kong's notorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombia's biggest drugs cartel hatches an elaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miami in America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnership turns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triads recruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is a bloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman with an arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponry and an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just as Zhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment...

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
The Catch22 I just went through the hassle of registering after many years of stopping by just to warn you. This movie is by far the worst movie I've ever seen. The plot, the acting, the dialogue is horrendous. The fighting in it is amazingly dull and boring as well. I read somewhere that this guys is the next Bruce Lee? bhuahahahahaha is all I got to say to that.If you desire to waste your hard earned cash and waste your precious time? then be my guest, but I personally rather watch paint dry or lick windows than waste my time on this....i should have know when i read about him being the next Bruce lee lolGod save yourselves lol
crosslinda3 With all the world's economic and recessional real life trailers hitting our screens of reality costing people their whole existences,to be able to have some story of a supernatural way to conquer the real hard moments we are all in is much required. To draw upon unique and profound powers of the personality to beat the odds at all costs is what people wish to learn to know...maybe, just maybe we can all do this feat...a better world by focusing within and applying this power outwards in our lives for a better change for our human race...well done Bloodmoney on a small budget getting a big message out..go back to the basics and work the power. The world has been bleeding profusely because of the manipulated world economics. Maybe we can all understand the sublime messages coming through from Bloodmoney...I can.
Boba_Fett1138 Nothing wrong with a good, silly, action packed Kung Fu flick but this movie unfortunately has very little going for it.First of all, I had an incredible hard time ever getting into this movie. Not necessarily because it was doing some silly things but more so because of its story. For most of the I had absolutely no clue what was going and who was fighting who and what for exactly. OK, so it's all drugs related I got that but please don't ask me what the main plot line was supposed to be all about. But what was even worse, was that I had absolutely no idea who the main characters was and what or who he was fighting for. The movie does an overall poor job with handling and explaining its story, which brings me to another point.The movie really isn't all that well directed. Gregory McQualter is a first time director, that might be a good excuse but fact remains that both the storytelling and overall flow of the movie are far too lacking. It's obvious McQualter had more eye and passion for making a Kung Fu flick with plenty of action in it but he had no clue how to tell a good and compelling story as well, which got us involved with its characters and events happening on the screen. Not that the story itself seemed to be anything too solid either but I still have the feeling that in the hands of a more capable and experienced director this movie still could had worked out and at least would had become something more fun and entertaining to watch.At first I thought it was a bad move for the movie to not let its main character, played by Zheng Liu, speak a lot. It made him uninteresting as a character and it was something that could had still worked out with a far more charismatic person. Then he however started to open his mouth more and suddenly I started to wish that he stayed mute for the entire movie. He really can't act and all of the dialog that's coming from his mouth sounded awful.This obviously wasn't a very expensive movie to make and in that regard it's still being a bit of an accomplishment. It has a good look to it but I did also wished that I held back on its special effects a little bit more at times. It isn't always that convincing looking and it took away some from the movie its action as well. The action is still some decent stuff. I at least feel and think that the genre lovers will still get some kicks out of it. Zheng Liu is obviously more talented in that department as well, though he most certainly ain't no Bruce Lee of course, which this movie desperately still tries to let you believe.I was certainly glad when the movie finally was over.4/10
goatbut29 I understand were all different. We all see things in a unique perspective-our own.Having said that, I cant believe for one second that someone sat through this whole movie and thought to themselves, 'wow!'. I cant believe it.I wanted this to be good 'cos I was bored and hoping it would sit nicely. I was wrong. Its very confusing and feels like its trying too hard to be something its not-exciting and plot-driven.Im sorry. There is no way someone thought this movie was above a 5, let alone an 8!The ratings at IMDb cannot be trusted. Come here to get the plot idea about the movie but put no faith in the ratings. They are garbage. Either that, or the site has nothing but 12yr old 'pitbull' fans posting their reviews.