PG-13 | 15 March 2013 (USA)
Blancanieves Trailers

A black and white silent movie, based on the Snow White fairy tale, that is set in a romantic version of 1920s Seville and centered on a female bullfighter.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
MartinHafer According to IMDb, this film was submitted for contention for the Best Foreign Language odd one since this is a silent film with intertitle cards. My assumption is that they tried making a movie like this because of the success the year before of "The Artist" (which too the Best Picture Oscar).The story is essentially "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" re- imagined. It begins in Spain in the early 20th century. Don Antonio is a famous matador but he's doing something very dangerous- -taking on seven bulls, one after the other. With the seventh, his attention wavers and he's badly mauled. This causes his wife to go into labor...and she dies in the process. The baby is raised by her grandmother and Don Antonio marries his nurse. However, when grandma dies, the child, Carmen, is sent to live with her father. But the new wife is evil and won't let anyone see Don Antonio and forbids the girl from going to that portion of the house. Instead, she lives in squalor and is a servant in her own home. Eventually, the step-mother tires of the girl and orders her evil chauffeur to kill her. Inexplicably, she survives the attempt but loses all her memory. She's rescued by some bullfighting dwarfs and is befriended by them. Eventually, she becomes a famous matador herself...and her step-mom returns to destroy her with a poisoned apple.The film is lovely to look at and interesting...but not a whole lot more than that. Interesting but not exactly a must-see because it is too close to the old story...too close except for the inexplicably strange downbeat ending that is.
l_rawjalaurence Laden with awards; entered as Best Foreign Language Film for the 2013 Oscars; it seems rather churlish to criticize Pablo Berger's silent retelling of the Snow White myth, bearing strong visual and stylistic parallels to Michel Hazanavicius's THE ARTIST (2011).And yet the film's overall impact is reduced by an uncertainty of tone. There are sequences of quite graphic violence - notably at the beginning, when bull-fighter Antonio Villalta (Daniel Giménez Cacho) is gored by the bull; or when the infant Carmencita (Sofía Oria) is force-fed roast chicken by the evil Doña Concha (Ángela Molina), the remains of her once-faithful pet Pepe. Such moments exist uneasily with the comedy of the adolescent Carmen (Macarena García) as she joins up with the bull-fighting dwarfs, who tour the country with a specialty act. Then there is the problem of the ending which is positively necrophiliac in tone. Perhaps director Berger wants to make a veiled comment on the ways in which innocence is at once cherished yet abused in contemporary societies, but the sudden shifts of tone prove uneasy.On the other hand, BLANCANIEVES contains some stunning individual sequences, attesting to the director's abilities as a filmmaker; for example, the use of dissolves unifying past with the present, as the dead Antonio continues to affect Carmen's life, even after he has been thrown down the stairs by Doña Concha; or the moment when Doña Concha meets a grisly end at the bull-fighting venue, gored to death by an angry bull. The use of shadows to suggest violence in this latter sequence is memorable.As a piece of silent movie-making, BLANCANIEVES is hard to fault. Berger understands how one image is worth a hundred words, and keeps the dialogue to a minimum. Rather he relies on the gestural versatility of his cast to communicate emotions - a task they embrace with relish. Add to that the snappy editing, with a plot that positively zips by, and one can see why this remake of Snow White proves so diverting. If it wasn't for those tonal shifts ...
Bob H CAS International started a petition with the Spanish platform La Tortura No es Cultura (torture is no culture), the international organization Animal Defenders International and the Dutch Internet community PiepVandaag to request the commission responsible for the nominations not to vote in favor of Blancanieves and preferably not to allow a vote on the movie at all. The movie Blancanieves promotes animal abuse. Furthermore we know that 9 bulls have been used and killed during the production of Blancanieves. ALL JUST FOR MONEY??? VARY SHAMEFUL!!!
kaushalsharma231291 Blancanieves is a movie full of substance and content. It was a movie with a very popular story and hence making a movie like this was a serious matter of creativity and bringing uniqueness into it.Here are the strong points about Blancanieves :1.The direction and overall film making:The direction was something to be inspired from. The projection of the movie on the screen was amazing, subtle and clean. At the end of the movie ,I didn't felt that it had anything exaggerated ,although to make the audience feel hysterical about such an emotional epic directors tend to go the "commercial" way but here the director went the "creativity and artistic" way .I think the greatest challenge about making this movie was how to keep things subtle yet soulful and lively and the director certainly won this challenge. Everything had a purpose and a meaning involved. The aspect about the direction that is to be appreciated and admired is the fact that the movie is being made black and white ,silent in the 2012 where the cinema is going 3D and IMAX. This movie is an achievement of its makers in terms of showing the true nature and soul of motion pictures. The last 15 mins or so of the movie were most stunning and creative ,I was not expecting something like that as the movie was concluding. 2.The acting:Beautiful and encapsulating are the two words to describe the acting performances in the movie by every actor. But in this section ,two performances deserve special admiration that is Maribel Verdú for playing the role of cunning witch Encarna and Inma Cuesta for playing the role Carmen de Triana(Snow white). Particularly for Inma, the challenge must have been to project a girl who was facing the hard challenges and misery of her life but stood strong and fearless against them as well rather than projecting a "damsel in distress" character and keeping the subtlety of the movie alive at the same time. So great job by Inma Cuesta in playing the lead role.3.The background score was also very peculiar yet very favorable to the movie. I was quiet surprised yet delighted by the kind of sounds that were used and how they were giving the movie a unique and impressive feel.As far as disappointment from this movie goes, i just got a little bit of it in terms of taking black and white silent part to the next level and bringing more depth into the story. The movie making was the most vital part in crafting a movie like this. It was amazing but followed the good old black and white silent classic movie pattern. The director went the easy way in my opinion in this department. I would have been more impressed if the movie was made Schindler's list like, something that was creative,artistic but most importantly in the end it was outstanding and stroke of a genius. Bottomline:Blancanieves is definitely a must watch movie of 2012.
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