Black Rose
Black Rose
| 17 April 2014 (USA)
Black Rose Trailers

A Russian Police Major is enlisted by the LAPD to help solve a series of gruesome murders perpetrated against young women by a sadistic sociopathic killer on the mean streets of Hollywood.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
megangmegan I can't believe how boring this movie is. The acting was bad, the chemistry was bad, the script was dull. The plot was a good one they should have been able to do more than they did with it.Blood and gore alone do not make a great action/mystery movie (or apparently even a good one). I could not wait for it to be over.
legmed Com'on people. At least the photography was excellent. Bad script. Acting sans direction or self restraint. But good grief -- does it really deserve all this opprobrium? Shots and angles were often admirable. They found scenes and settings that were quite interesting and occasionally terrific. ... On the other hand, a stage name duplicating the cultural hero of the Russ is deserving of The Donald's approval and accents comparable to Branagh's Shadow Recruit choice are cringe-worthy. Just imagine what people not super self-conscious of being C-lister's could have done with the idea here.
Larry Silverstein Apparently, this is a 2014 movie that is just being released on DVD, and which I found in Redbox. Set in Los Angeles, it centers on the search for a serial killer, named the Black Rose Killer, as a black rose and a cryptic message in Russian are left on the bodies of each mutilated victim.Set in Los Angeles, so far five young Russian women have been murdered in the tight knit community of West Hollywood. A LAPD Captain (Robert Davi) has decided to put a fresh team together to try and track down the psycho killer, so he imports a brazen Russian Major (Alexander Nevsky) to pair with a rookie female detective (Kristanna Loken),The rapport and chemistry between Nevsky and Loken was pretty effective and there is some decent humor sprinkled throughout the film. However, overall, I found the dialogue and most of the acting to be quite wooden and stilted.There's also loads of cold-blooded killings, bloody torture scenes, and grizzly showings of the dead victims. As the movie progresses the body counts and the carnage just multiplies. There's a big twist at the end, which I didn't guess, but which by that point I didn't really care very much about.All in all, can't recommend. To note, there were no subtitles on my DVD copy, except when Russian was being spoken, but I was able to use the closed caption option on my remote to get the subtitles.
Nik Aleksandrov Trendsetter Aleksandr Nevsky brings yet another engaging, action- filled movie to the big screen. Its name is «Black Rose». This is not typical average-quality action film like «The Expendables» or «The Terminator» it is top-notch motion picture. When LAPD is completely powerless against a sadistic sociopathic killer, it calls up to invite Russian specialist major Kazatov (Aleksandr Nevsky). LAPD had this series of murders investigated by Kazatov. This film served as great entertainment with its breath-taking sceneries of affluent Los Angeles. I really loved Kazatov punishment style, because this guy doesn't afraid to break the rules and he never gives criminals a chance to live. For example, the moment when major used a «Desert Eagle» to shoot for five times at a thief handbags. In addition, Nevsky used actors that had either appeared in his previous movies like «Treasure Riders» or «Moscow Heat». Overall, this is a great movie with an excellent action and the god most loved actor. Furthermore, in a newsworthy press release I read that Nevsky is going to make a follow-up to «Black Rose».