Black Orpheus
Black Orpheus
PG | 21 December 1959 (USA)
Black Orpheus Trailers

Young lovers Orfeu and Eurydice run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim.

Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
tylergee005 I'd never heard of this film before I stumbled on it at my local library, but I was instantly intrigued. Disappointed however. I'll keep this brief.The constant beat in the background was interesting and vibrant, but really did become annoying when dialogue is being exchanged, especially when everyone in the film acts like a complete character of a weird hyper active child. Seriously the acting was probably the worst thing in the whole picture. It was obnoxious and illogical most of the time. Also typical plot holes, like why the women just kept running away from the masked man, instead of being protected by the people around her? Especially towards the end when there are COPS that she literally runs into, but doesn't seek help. Really obnoxious. There's more that makes this a really unenjoyable watch, but mainly it has a 15 minute plot stretched to an hour and forty minutes, filled with people acting way over the top, and loud thumping leaving this film with nothing more than a headache. PS I'm 21 so it's not because I'm too old for the noise!!
Kirpianuscus after few good years from I saw it, the memories are are about its poetry. a poetry including samba and Rio and voodoo and Latino spirit and crumbs from Cocteau universe and social references and folklore and impeccable acting. the same Ancient story. only the frame is different. and it remains different in a special manner. because it is a love story from the "50. the mark of decade is the basic source of seduction /interest today. and the web of dance, dialogues and carnival. the shining skin and the rhythm of music. the air of dream and the exotic flavors. a film who remains great today like in its period. because it is , in profound sense, one of the cinematography purpose definition.
bigverybadtom Parts of the movie work very well-the beautiful scenery, the interesting characters and how they intrigue among each other, the depiction of Carnival, and the message that the government's power in a poor country like Brazil is at best limited. Other parts don't; the major characters are named after those in the Greek Orpheus myth, but the story fails to really follow the myth. For one thing, in the myth, Orpheus uses his music to soothe all the various creatures he encounters on his way through Hades to reach his wife Eurydice there; in this movie, Orfeu's guitar is used to entertain people, and its only (supposed) power is to make the sun rise. And to try to reach Eurydice, Orfeu is brought to attends a voodoo-type ceremony where she talks through a woman supposedly gifted with a spirit.The movie has other loose ends as well. We never find out who the masked mystery man presumably stalking Eurydice is or what was his motivation in doing so. Orfeu and Mira get engaged at the beginning of the story, but Orfeu never seems to have ever been in love with her to begin with, and everyone tries to hide Orfeu's affair with Eurydice rather than Orfeu simply breaking off the engagement.Not a bad movie, but hardly a classic.
MartinHafer This film has a wonderful reputation and is regarded as a classic, so when I got a copy of the film I was expecting something amazing. And, by the time it was complete, I felt like I just didn't get it--why was this film so highly regarded? Perhaps most of the reason this film left me so cold was that Jean Cocteau's version of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice was so much better--with amazing camera work and acting. On the other hand, "Orfeu Negro" just seemed to have one thing going for it--its intense Samba score. The problem is that after a short time I wanted the music to stop!! The viewing experience was like having ADHD and taking crack--it was just so hyper-kinetic it made me want to scream. As for the story, it sure seemed a lot more superficial--they dance and dance and Orfeu falls for Eurydice so easily--with no real character development or even build up. The citizens of Rio all seem like mindless children--dancing their lives away--a rather patronizing view of the nation! And, because of this, I can see why the Brazilians disliked this one-dimensional view the film gave of them.As I said, I just don't get this film--it didn't do much to satisfy me and I will strongly suggest to my friends they see Cocteau's version instead--it seems much closer to the original source material and is just so much more interesting.