Black Limousine
Black Limousine
R | 19 October 2010 (USA)
Black Limousine Trailers

A ghost story set in the city of dreams (

KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
zif ofoz here we see the effects of overpaid success on a man who would not have ever lived as he did and loose it all had he struggled longer for recognition.jack is actually a hard working average man who loved his family but he blew it on self indulgence and with no obvious restraint from his wife. that is made clear in their dialog. now the marriage is over and jack wants it back.climbing back up is much harder than the fall and jack isn't emotionally equipped to handle it. he see rejection where it doesn't exist and his comfort is pills, sex and the bottle - which further destroy only problem with this story is the ending. very strange. it appears he didn't actually do it but imagined it. but then in the final scene he is the only thing that moves. is he dead?watch it - you decide.
Tony Heck "It was an accident, no one is to blame, except him...that man." Jack (Arquette) is a struggling composer who takes a job driving a limousine to make ends meet. His life is a mix of AA meetings, hanging out with his young daughter and trying to get back in the business. After he gets a job driving a famous movie star he strikes up a friendship and thinks he found his way in. Little by little he tries to get his life back to how he wants, but there is always something in his way. There are some trailers for movies that give away the whole movie in the 2 minute clip and nothing is a surprise. There are trailers who give absolutely nothing away and you are left wondering what it is about. Then there is this movie. This movie is so undescribable that even the trailer doesn't do it justice. This movie is both beautiful and disturbing. This is the type of movie that makes you question everything you are seeing and wondering if it's real or a dream. I am the first person to say I don't think David Arquette is a good actor, but he deserves an Oscar nomination for this movie. He is that good in this. This is another movie that words will not do justice to. When the credits roll it feels like you can finally take a breath and wonder what it was you just saw. Overall, a movie with the pace of "Drive" but the feel of Aronofsky movie. Not a movie to just put in and veg out to. This one makes you think. I liked it. I give it a B+.
lordkreel It's pretty rare you see an artistically made American film these days. Colpaert delivered on this one. I was fortunate enough to catch this at the Montreal film festival, along with several other great films.To be straight forward, this film isn't for everyone. It observes process over form, and the result is a surrealistic trip, layered with dream sequences. The person expecting an average Hollywood turn might be a confused or dislike the story.David Arquette shows a new side in this turn. He suffers deeply as Jack, the main character, and turns out a wonderful performance. Big thumbs up, this a truly great performance by him. I hope we get to see more of this from him in the future.Bijou Phillips has really come into her own. She's matured as an actress and the character she plays is almost a reflection of past characters - a young lady, growing up, struggling with the issues she's created for herself. She handles the role with great ease.Overall, there were several great performances and moments in this film. Carl Colpaert showed immense talent in handling of the material. It definitely has a European flair to it. Rare, and enjoyable.There are moments where the film feels like it's lost it's way or that the actors slightly balk during their performances. Regardless it's a refreshing movie that will reward the viewer who appreciates the artistic side of film making.
storyofc Land of the Astronauts is fun. It's an art film. How often does that happen? Credits rolled, lights came up... I was in a strange mood. I appreciate the fact that it had an effect on me, like one of those textured segue songs on NPR or some ambient PBS special about space, or secondhand pot smoke in a small European car. The film made me want to sit in Elysian Park and contemplate loss and reinvention while staring at the LA skyline. Maybe listen to Pink Floyd or Brian Eno for a few days. The music and talent are great. My favorites to watch were David Arquette and Bijou Phillips and Tom Bower and Lin Shaye. Yay green face Shaye! I look forward to seeing another story from Carl and his team.