Black Friday
Black Friday
R | 13 August 2004 (USA)
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Bombs tear through Bombay, wreaking havoc and polarising the citizens. With perpetrators at large, the state launches a massive drive to unmask the truth behind these events.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Anupam Shrivastava Black Friday is a film that must be seen by everyone. It's a complete documentary type movie with no entertainment but infotainment. Anurag Kashyap's direction and the performance of the cast are completely outstanding. It looks like they have captured the real moments of the conspiracy and added those videos in the movie. Such film can only be made by a brave heart person. But still, I am a bit disappointed with the film. Director has depicted that only Muslims were targeted during the riots. They have shown that only Muslims people suffered during the riots but Hindus.
silvan-desouza ANurag Kashyap is a rare find to bollywood, his every film has been mostly contrioversial but yet somehow had something different to tell BLACK Friday was banned in India and released 2 years later in 2007 The film is based on real life incidents regarding the bomb blast in 1993. It is told in an episodic fashion and keeps going back and forte and is well handled, The film may seem documentary like but makes a great impact, there are scenes which shock you, while Badshah's story does have emotional moments, the film shows us what went behind the bomb blast.Direction is superb Music is good, the song Bandey is simply superb Camera-work is topnotch, the film tries to recreate the look of 1993 and is well handled though certain goof ups too are there.The film has rare talents explode Aditya Shrivastav one of the finest talents though who hardly gets focus in films, gets a meaty role and he delivers and how! Simply mindblowing, his expressions convey a lot and so does his dialogue Kaykay Menon is splendid as Rakesh Maria, Kishore Kadam is fab, Nawzuddin Siddiqui has a brief role and he is good, Divyendru Bhatacharya is good in a small role,Pawan Malhotra is topnotch in his role,Vijay Maurya is topnotch as Dawood and resembles him well,though his portions look carricatured,rest are all good
varghesejunior Black Friday is definitely a well-directed film, more like a documentary with a few thrills.The film gives a clear picture of the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, the entire modus operandi and how the cops follow through the case to nab the culprits.KK Menon has played his part well, like the others. Dialogues are good. There aren't any item songs, which are generally seen in underworld-type of movies, and fortunately too as that would've spoilt the essence of the film. The makers have tried to give an apt idea of the Indian police system. The entire music seems to be simple throughout the film, and it was Indian Ocean's "Bande" that made me wanna watch this film.A very realistic film, but I'm sure it cannot be watched more than once…it's too draggy for that and surely impossible.
braddugg An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.A message of Mahatma Gandhi, the line that begins the movie is all about the very essence of it. As per records, it's a 2004 film but it is sad to know that the release of this was delayed till Feb 9th 2007. Such is our censor board and government that was afraid of releasing a film that takes names of all involved in 1993 Bombay (now Mumbai) Blasts.Bravo Anurag Kashyap for directing this uncompromisingly with a vision that is so very rare in an industry like us. It's surely the most courageous attempt to make a film on an account of a real crime happened in 1993. More kudos to Hussain Zaidi, the original writer of the book who wrote actual facts and presenting reason for each doing of a character.The film is about investigation's done by Mumbai Cop Rakesh Maria (Kay Kay Menon) that unravels the Mumbai blasts plot setup by the dastardly un human Tiger Memon (Pawan Malhotra). Everything about the film is purely raw and makes you not audience but a participant of the activities happening on screen, they make you feel as a bystander on a blast as a silent observer of an investigation.Everything is right about this movie, the emotions portrayed by the accused Asgar Muqadam or Badshah Khan or those by inspector Dangle or MN Singh everyone brought life to the character they played.Anurag, the director captured every emotion be it trauma or a feeling of guilt or even of triumph everything was brought out well. The screenplay goes so very intelligently taking you through the whole incidents and the cinematography and art direction transform you to an era that you will believe is Bombay of 1993 where there were no mobile phones, no communication channels as email. And yet, so much was to be communicated in so little time from dubai to Pakistan to India's bombay.The best scene for me was Dawood's entry. It lasts hardly a minute but the impact it made was terrific.The music, oh my god he used it so very effectively be it a Bharam Bhaap Ke or a Bande ( a subtle message oriented philosophical song for end credits) or the whole background music, just beautiful may be the right word.The monochromatic red interrogation scenes make you feel eery and present an insight to the minds of all those doing it. All are great dialogues and apt ones but the most impact making one comes from Kay Kay when he describes that the culprits are actually victims.The editing had to be sharper coz at 2 hours and 40 minutes, the viewer may tend to slip off but this drama held me so very tight that I watched it for 3rd time without moving elsewhere. Be it a theatre or my computer, it just makes me sit and watch. This is how a gripping drama should be told.I dare say, in last decade, I have not seen a movie more raw, more realistic and more dramatic than this.When I first saw this film on first day in Fame Theatre in Pune, I remember that hardly 10 people would have seen this. Such is our appreciation for a movie that's easily one of the best made films. Having said that, so be it as long as there are movie goers who are passionate in watching films, this shall be remembered.I rate this 5/5 and give it best film made from 2000-2010. How many ever may come and go. This shall remain in memory for a long time, if seen once. This is the kind of film we should be nominating for every foreign award including Oscars. Sadly, our government has a different view on such films that are straight telling and bold.Thanks all for making it the film it stands today and I will revisit this again later.
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