Black Devil Doll from Hell
Black Devil Doll from Hell
NR | 04 February 1984 (USA)
Black Devil Doll from Hell Trailers

A woman buys a doll at a magic shop. Unbeknownst to her, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, and it proceeds to take her over.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
adriangr Black Devil Doll from Hell has gained something of a cult following but think carefully before paying large sums of money to obtain it - it's not worthy of any serious investment. It is, however totally, hysterically, funny entertainment.Shot on home video without a budget using home locations and presumably friends and family as actors, the story tells of a cursed doll, that when purchased, grants it's owner any wish, but this service obviously comes at a price. And the star of our tale, meek, church- going Helen, is about to find out what that is! Helen spies the doll in a curiosity shop one day and is compelled to buy it, despite the shop owner's doom-laden warnings. On getting the doll home. she makes a place for it in the toilet (!?) and then the terror beings, as Helen first starts to be visited by weird hallucinations about the doll coming to life - and then it actually does come to life and subjects her to a "puppet sex attack"!Now already this sounds absurd, not to mention very sleazy, but as the film is so amateurish, you can only laugh at the proceedings rather than anything else. Everything is played straight, in fact the actress playing Helen does her best to contribute a performance of sorts - but it's all for nothing as once the Black Devil Doll himself starts to wake up, you'll forget about any realism at all. Basically, the doll is a commercially bought ventriloquist's puppet with a Rick James style hairstyle, and when he comes to life, he's pretty much animated in the same way (ie, with a stage hand's arm up him, waggling him about). The scenes in which the puppet assaults Helen are what this film is famous for and you may have to pinch yourself to know that what you are seeing has actually been committed to film. There's nothing graphic in the film, Helen is never shown fully naked and there is no violence to speak of, it's just the hilarity of the situation that will imprint it on your memory. That and the doll's foul-mouthed, "Mr T" accented vocal tirade, which good taste prevents me from transcribing here.The whole wretched thing is scored with a Casio organ, seemingly set on one single demo loop that goes "boom-titty-boom-tish" over and over again, oh except for the serious scenes when what are presumably supposed to be sinister chords are represented by a sound more like ear-splitting feedback.Due to the rarity of any copies of this item, it has become more talked about than actually seen. Sadly if more people did see it, the fog of curiosity would probably evaporate leaving what is simply, one man's very warped attempt at a home horror movie. It's not shocking or extreme, so if you do get a copy, my advice is to have a party and invite a bunch of friends over to watch it. Personally i am very glad my love of bad movies led me to it, and I feel all the richer for having a copy to enjoy.
Pycal Horrible, yet hilarious flick in all it's shoddy shot on video glory. The plot details an evil puppet/doll that comes to life after a buyer brings him home. Once safe in the home, the doll awakens and commits vile acts such as rape upon his owner. As it so happens every time, the doll eventually sneaks away from his owner and goes back to the shop hoping to find another victim (Yep, I've pretty much summed up the the entire plot of this awful, yet hugely entertaining 70 min film in only a few sentences).On the whole, the film is hugely incompetent. The opening credits last approximately seven minutes even though (not counting extras) there are only about five cast members that appear on screen. Worse yet, the credits consist of just a black title card accompanied with some very plain text. Thankfully the music that plays over the credits is fabulous and almost reminds me of some of film composer Aaron Stielstra's work (particularly his vocal stuff). The music during the rest of the movie, while catchy, doesn't fair as good. In fact it almost reminds me of the background beat that you can play on my sister's 1980s era Casio Muppets keyboard. Acting is generally atrocious and is about the same caliber as a porno movie. Speaking of porno, the movie is memorable for offering quite a large sum of nudity and sex scenes. The doll however is what makes the movie and both the voice acting and puppeteering behind him are superb. Recommended.
Matthew Jaworski I have spent a rather disproportionate amount of my life seeking out bad, obscure, horrific, insane, and exploitative film/video trash. That being said, this incredible movie occupies a very special spot in my Heart. No movie I have EVER sat thru even comes close to the sheer, mind-numbing ineptitude on display here. ..From the amazing trance-inducing Casio excreted soundtrack, to the unparalleled videography on display, 'Black Devil Doll From Hell' truly stuns...If you can actually sit thru this entire movie in one sitting whilst sober(I was able to once), you should be given some sort of award. The proceedings crawl along at the pace of a Quallude-ridden slug...Do not let that deter you from cinema-history. Some of the hottest love scenes ever committed to celluloid (oh wait, this is video), await the daring viewer. I will not reveal anymore. Hearing about the content of this movie is absolutely no substitute for actually witnessing it...If you consider yourself to be a connoisseur of the bizarre, the bad, and the trashy; there is no excuse for not running out and acquiring this masterpiece. I obtained mine via Ebay for a mere $10- It was the best $10 I have ever spent in my entire life. I would gladly pay $500 for this incredible Masterwork. Stop what you are doing right now and GET THIS MOVIE!
karmaDhyana I agree with the poster who said it has to be seen to be believed.I saw this movie in the mid '80s; I rented it from a video store that I worked at, and this was one of a thousand titles my company had just purchased. Because I'm somewhat a horror fan, one look at the box told me I HAD to rent it.This movie is not bad-bad, it's BAD bad-bad! I sat through the majority of the movie with my mouth agape, amazed at how one movie could fit so much crappy acting, poor camera technique, and just plain tackiness into it.If you're a fan of 'le bad cinema', or if you just feel like laughing through a TRULY awful film, put this one at the top of your list.And by the by, had provided a "zero" rating option, I wudda taken it and thanked them for it.