Bio Zombie
Bio Zombie
R | 11 June 1998 (USA)
Bio Zombie Trailers

Two mall employees driving to work hit a man who drank a soda laced with a chemical that turns people into cannibals.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Alasdair Orr Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Viva_Chiba I am a big fan of zombie films as i am a big fan of Hong Kong films, so i couldn't skip this one.Bio-Zombie is a pretty good and funny horror comedy, spoofing the Dawn of the dead scenario (shopping mall full of zombies), Bio-zombie is not a gore fest, it's more like a horror comedy that everybody can watch.Besides the spoof of the Dawn of the dead scenario, there are many homages to video games (Resident Evil and House of the dead) and other situations found in horror movies.My only complaint are the first 20 or 30 minutes, they are pretty boring and i was almost going to turn-off the movie, but the rest of the movie is pretty good.
Master Cultist The first Hong Kong zombie movie I have ever seen, and it won't be my last, that's for sure! Two slackers, Woody Invincible(!) and Crazy Bee inadvertently run someone over who happens to have a bottle of Lucozade in his briefcase that has been developed by the Iraqi's as a chemical weapon that turns anyone who drinks it into a slavering zombie. The guy tries to warn them, but they think he is asking for the drink, and feed it to him, pile him in their boot, and drive to a shopping mall. I'm not making this up, honest! Inevitably, the infected undead guy wakes up, escapes, bites another hapless fool, and from then all hell breaks loose. The first hour is more comedy based, but the last half hour is excellent, cranking up the gore to great effect. There's a nice homage to Dawn of the Dead when one character slides down an escalator divider, and the whole thing smacks of Romero HK style. Great fun, and with a superb final sequence, this is one for zombie buffs to thoroughly enjoy. Would have got 5 stars I think had I watched the original subtitled version, but the dubbing actors were so poor in the version I watched I felt compelled to knock off an evil skull.Get the subtitled version if you can.
spacemonkey_fg When you watch Bio Zombie its pretty damn obvious that Asian horror filmmakers are just as infatuated with Romeros zombie creations as we are.The movie is about these two slacker looser types who work in a video store down at the local mall. While they are driving their bosses car from the auto shop they hit a strange man with a suit case containing a liquid that when ingested will turn anyone into raving flesh eating zombies. They mistake the liquid for a soda bottle, some one drinks it and the zombie fun begins.The first half is just getting to know the characters so the actual zombie action doesn't begin right away, but the funny dialog and characters will keep you interested until the undead starts to roll in. The first half kind of feels like Mallrats with all these crazy young characters who's life depends on being in the mall for 95% of their lives. I mean we get to losers as leads (kind of like Jay and Silent Bob) we get the asshole who treats his girl like crap (like Ben Afflecks character in Mallrats), lets face it the influences from Kevin Smiths films on this one are also blatantly obvious.The second half of the movie is when the zombies start to roll in. This half of the movie reminded me a lot of Romeros Dawn of the Dead and hey there's no denying that Romeros film was an obvious inspiration for this here flick. You know, zombies in a mall, people running and hiding from them in the stores. You know the drill.What disappointed me a bit about this movie was its obvious lack of gore! I was expecting a blood bath, but no, surprisingly the movie showed a lot of restraint in this department. Could it have been because of its small budget? Or where there other reasons for the lack of the red stuff? I don't know, but after a while I was feeling a bit cheated. Not only that but the actual zombie make up wasn't all that great, sometimes you could see that it was just appliances glued to the actors faces...and that really really sucked for me. In fact its the worst part of the film. Hey! If your making a zombie movie, at least make the undead look cool! But the movie manages to award us with something else instead. We might not have cool looking zombies or buckets of blood and guts (the camera actually shys away from showing us the blood and guts on many occasions) but we get great characters! Woody and Bee are funny guys, they are lovable slackers and you'll be entertained by their funny situations and hilarious dialog.The direction was inventive as well, there were some really cool shots in there that caught me off guard. Like for example, there were some visual references to the house of the Dead video game! Now before you go saying something about how Uwe Boll did it and it sucked (and you'd be right!), this director actually did it right! You have to see it to understand but it was very original. There were many other cool shots in the film that showed the director was creative with his shots.All in all a fun zombie movie with great characters, but not enough gore. Think of it as Mallrats meats Dawn of the Dead and you'll have an idea of what your going to see! Rating: 3 out 5
mr_pink999899 I really love this film! Its the best ever, screw the godfather and lord of the rings...Bio-zombie should be number one, on the top 250 list...Crazy & Woody rules!