Bill Hicks: Revelations
Bill Hicks: Revelations
NR | 27 May 1993 (USA)
Bill Hicks: Revelations Trailers

Bill Hicks in the height of his genius. Recorded at the Dominion Theatre in London, Hicks opens our eyes and minds to the hypocrisy and ludicrousness of the world around us.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
MisterWhiplash How did it take me so long to come to Bill Hicks? I'd heard about him for years, but only until a DVD was released with a few of his specials, and suddenly his lucid, spot-on sarcastic observations grew on me almost immediately. He goes from JFK to Terminator 2 stunts done by cripples to 'happy LSD trips' to fundamentalists running the country, and there's rarely a bit where one doesn't just let out a whole lot of laughs. His delivery is a big part of it; he sometimes is in on the joke so much so that he has no other way than to make a goofy face after saying something that we know is ridiculous about something. He also shows himself to be totally, wondrously ruthless when it comes to any lack of intelligence in a group of people- or just individuals, can't hurt- and in entire ways of living, like people in advertising ("No joke, just kill yourselves.") But he's also just got a quick tongue, varying his voice and mannerisms, to fit the joke at the unexpected places. Even a bit that might run a little long, like his Goat-boy impersonation, has sparks of genius that are far greater than middling comics best stuff.I'm not entirely sure yet if he was a total genius or one of the 5 best comics ever like some have purported him to be. But on the evidence of Revelations and Relentless (and, even more-so, his half-hour One Night Stand appearance on HBO in 1990), he was a genuine talent, able to tackle all the big topics of the day and just in general, which makes the bulk of it last years on.
Alex Pelletier Over the last two years, four different Bill Hicks shows have been released on DVD in North America. Of the four, Revelations, filmed in late 1992 at London's Dominion Theater, is the last chronologically, recorded mere months before he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which ultimately killed him at the age of 32.At the time he was tragically struck down, Hicks was at his creative peak. A thinking comedian, more Voltaire than Carrot Top, his act challenged his audience's beliefs about politics, religion, sex and popular culture. Add to that a decade spent working hostile audiences in bad comedy clubs, which polished his stand-up comedy skills and made him extremely comfortable in front of any sort of crowd imaginable.After a decade spent in obscurity in his native USA, he had become a popular and respected performer in the UK, which he toured regularly after 1991. The British crowds welcomed Hicks' topical humor, and it is in this context that he recorded Revelations in November 1992.Hicks' material, although heavily based on current events of the early 90's, has aged gracefully. Revelations was filmed only days after Bill Clinton's election and Hicks is obviously thrilled to see the end of twelve years of fundamentalist conservatism. He also goes back to the first Gulf War (the source of some of his greatest material), the LA Riots and the JFK assassination. He also attacks what he sees as case examples of the lousy state of American culture, such as American Gladiators or Basic Instinct, and the marketing machine behind them.Despite often leaning towards misanthropy, Bill Hicks' message remained optimistic and positive. His parting words ('It's Just A Ride') remains one of his best and most oft-quoted allegories, describing as a poet would his view of the meaning of life.Altogether, Revelations is Bill Hicks at the peak of his powers as a comic/poet/philosopher/goatboy. It is the most compelling proof on film as to why, twelve years after his untimely death, his star is still rising.
hadayarim Bill Hicks, the late prophet. As a stand up comic he may not supply sitcom-style laughs every twelve seconds, but his act is the intellectual equivalent of reading twelve books. Bill Hicks opens our eyes and minds to the hypocrisy and ludicrousness of the world around us, when he presents some hard facts about alcohol versus drugs, the mind blowing statistics of alcohol induced death as opposed to death cause by virtually all other illegal drugs combined, the irony of anti marijuana campaigns followed by shameless beer commercials, the countless ways religions have strayed off of their paths to become nothing more than organized superstitions, and the list goes on. Study him, learn his words by heart, and realize how much better countries/governments/life could be if it made half the sense he does.
thenastydisease Bill Hicks is brilliant. This is no exception. Sadly since its now ten years old it is dated but if you have any brain at all you can work past it. Its especially interesting to hear Bill's comments on George Bush Snr. The same comments that are being used now about Jnr?Well you should watch this, either you'll get it and love it or miss the point. It isn't a wild ride of none stop jokes, its a more thoughtful almost introspective comedy video. Almost sad in places, he doesn't look well. I'm afraid I didn't pay for it, I downloaded it. Its worth buying if you can find a copy though and as soon as its on DVD i'll get me one!
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