Bigfoot County
Bigfoot County
R | 11 December 2012 (USA)
Bigfoot County Trailers

Siskiyou County, California has the most reported Bigfoot sightings in the world. In August of 2009, a documentary filmmaker went to investigate these alleged sightings.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
jackiedm113 I really really wanted Bigfoot to come crashing out of the woods and gobble up these useless idiots! But alas. I made it to the bitter end and I guess there was a little payoff, but not enough for what I went through to get there.Be warned - not for the sensitive viewer. Even if all the gratuitous language (was all that really necessary?) doesn't bother you - there is worse than language.I liked Blair Witch. I thought it was clever and scary. But this is a pale and lazy copy. I can't be sorry I watched it though since I would have been wondering if I hadn't.
memyselfandi1678 Please, for the love of God do not waste your precious time on this AWFUL movie. I am a big fan of B movies, but this is just too much. Bad acting, no point to the story and the one guy ends up getting raped in the woods by some rednecks and that's basically the end of the movie other than seeing "Bigfoot" for about 5 seconds at the very end. Oh, and I have never heard the work f*%$ more times in my entire life. It was so bad I started counting and couldn't focus on the movie (which was no big loss). It was so annoying, almost laughable. I would rather listen to polka music for 15 hours straight rather than (try) to sit through this movie again. The title is very misleading it should be called How to lose your girlfriend, get screwed in the ass and not find bigfoot in 10 days. I hope the actors don't quit their day job. 
pesic-1 I cannot believe how they squandered the opportunity to make a truly good film. One of the major problems with the found footage genre is poor acting and poor dialogue, which usually comes down to constant bickering and acting either like an idiot or like a hysterical bitch (or both). Therefore to see decent dialogue and acting in Bigfoot County immediately caught my attention. Moreover, the setup was pretty good: they meet a weird guy, find themselves alone in a hostile environment, and they realize someone is stalking them and leading them away from safety. But then it starts ripping off Blair Witch and eventually turns into the boring old "hillbillies bent on raping city folk" thing. To make things worse, the second half of the film is poorly directed and simply not very interesting. The film had so much promise and I can't believe they allowed it to devolve into this pile of nonsense. You don't need to rip off Blair Witch and Deliverance to make a Bigfoot movie.
dadatuuexx Phew !-open a window !,something smells like Bigfoot poop.Maybe just the poop part !.In my 45 yrs of watching horror and sci-fi movies ,i,ve seen some fart-blowers,but this movie takes the prize for ALL TIME !. Nothing could be worse.i really don't know WHERE to start.Bad acting,bad story,bad camera work,bad dog!,go outside to use the restroom,not in the living room.I cant say anything good about this film.You would do better to seek out the 70,s movie "Curse of Bigfoot".I,m not kidding.Here,s another spoiler,the monster in title shows up in the LAST 5 seconds,sneaking away ,in a out of focus long distance shot,in shame.Shame on whoever thought ANYBODY would give a Bigfoots butt about this junk.Avoid like the plague !
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