Big Bad Mama II
Big Bad Mama II
R | 01 October 1987 (USA)
Big Bad Mama II Trailers

Wilma McClatchie and her daughters return to a life of crime and vow vengeance against the evil land baron who foreclosed on their home.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Lawbolisted Powerful
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Robert J. Maxwell A reasonable review of this cheap exploitation of "Bonnie and Clyde" might consist of a single sentence: "See 'Big Bad Mama' for review." The original must have made a few shekels because "Big Bad Mama II" is as close to a remake as you can get without being put into a position in which you can bring suit against yourself for plagiarism.This remake has most of the elements of the original -- the old cars twirling around the dusty streets, the chattering Tommy guns, the corrupt rich man, the self-interested guy hanging around with a healthy interest in Big Bad Mama. It even has Angie Dickenson and her two lovely daughters as the principals.However, this isn't as good. Please don't trouble to deny it. Yes, it has the bloody shoot outs, but it doesn't have the bare nakedness of the original. Frankly, it's not enough just to see someone's hands running over unidentifiable lumps of somebody else's flesh. We get brief glimpses of the two daughters capering topless in a pool, but not enough, especially considering that neither can act and one of them looks like a factory reject. What happened to Angie Dickenson's magnificent chest? I was dreadfully disappointed. My heart sank, also my libido. My advice: Rent "Big Bad Mama," the original, a true masterpiece of cinematic poetry. The blood practically spills from the screen along with the breasts.
Dave from Ottawa The first Big Bad Mama was a quickie Bonnie and Clyde wannabe on a much lower budget and a much shorter shooting schedule. Angie looked good and seemed to be enjoying herself in a rare bad girl role, and there were enough car chases and shoot-outs to keep the viewer from falling asleep.Big Bad Mama II is more (and less) of the same. Mostly less, since writer- director Jim Wynorski aims for camp, but can't manage to get laughs with anything. (This was a career-long failing for him.) Angie is back, but she's now over 50, and the Depression gangster genre has put on a few years too. With nothing new in the way of story ideas or screen visuals, there seems to be no point too having made a sequel beyond cashing in on the original for its video notoriety. More car chases, more guns, but little point. The sequel is only for die hard Angie fans. Collectors of celebrity nude will be disappointed that Angie's nude scenes were doubled (by former Penthouse model Monique Gabrielle).
Michael_Elliott Big Bad Mama II (1987) *** (out of 4) This "sequel" to the 1974 cult classic is more of a remake since the events in the first film are overlooked and the characters are pretty much starting from scratch. This time out after her husband is murdered, Wilma McClatchie (Dickinson) takes her daughters Billie Jean (Danielle Brisebois) and Polly (Julie McCullough) on a crime spree so that they won't have to go to bed hungry at night. Mama decides to get even with a crooked politician (Bruce Glover) by kidnapping his son (Jeff Yagher) but things don't go as planned. BIG BAD MAMA II was shot in about two weeks for an extremely small amount of money so one should keep that in mind. What's so funny is that director Wynorski knows that this isn't going to be an Oscar-winner so instead of trying something fancy he just keeps the film moving at a nice pace and throws in as much action as he can. The movie certainly isn't high quality and there's no question that it's not nearly as good as the first movie but I think the characters are so memorable and the cast do such a good job with them that you can't help but have fun as long as you don't mind this type of "B" film. Dickinson does a fine job in her role as she has no problem playing tough and she's still quite believable in the part. Robert Culp plays a reporter/love interest and he too does a fine job. I've read some reviews that said he looked embarrassed but I don't agree at all as it seems he's having a wonderful time and he has some nice chemistry with Dickinson. Brisebois is fine playing the tough daughter while McCullough is awfully cute as the good girl. Even Yagher is enjoyable in his part and fans of HALLOWEEN will enjoy seeing Charles Cyphers in a quick bit. Glover really steals the film as the sleazy bad guy as you can't help but get a real kick because he's certainly a no-good snake that you love to hate. The director keeps the film moving at an incredibly fast pace and we're treated to all sorts of action with non-stop bullets going around and we even get several explosions. In true Roger Corman fashion we even get a sequence where some new footage is mixed in with mostly scenes from the original movie. The nudity on display, especially that of McCullough, just adds to the fun. One strange thing is that in 1987 just about anything could go in the direct to video market (this did hit a few theaters) but this film is actually a lot tamer than the original with much of the sleaze cut out.
SavalasFan Roger Corman does it again! I had a wonderful time watching Big Bad Mama II. It's not exactly a work of art, but it is a fun flick! It's great to see Angie back as Big Bad Mama. She's a hell of a lot of fun! Robert Culp brings plenty of panache to his role too. Danielle Brisebois and Julie McCullough are both charming, funny, and sexy. Bruce Glover makes a terrific despicable villain who is fun to hate. Both Big Bad Mama movies are great cheesy flicks to enjoy when you just need some fun escapism. Don't expect an artistic masterpiece. Just pop plenty of corn, settle back in your favorite comfy chair, and enjoy 'em with your favorite beverage.