Beyond Sherwood Forest
Beyond Sherwood Forest
| 28 November 2009 (USA)
Beyond Sherwood Forest Trailers

King Richard is away fighting the Crusade, his brother Prince John has been left in charge. In order to further international diplomatic relations with Norway, the beautiful young Maid Marian is to be married off to a prince. A cursed girl who can change into a ferocious dragon is used to find and pacify Robin Hood.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Leofwine_draca The SyFy channel go all-out with fantasy nonsense for this virtually unwatchable Robin Hood epic. Like those dodgy Asylum films that came out a few years ago that had Sherlock Holmes fighting octopi and the like, BEYOND SHERWOOD FOREST takes a very loose grasp of the original legend and turns it into something completely unfamiliar - and, unfortunately, very bad indeed.You know the film's off to a bad start when we're subjected to silly portals in the woods and a lame CGI dragon that looks like it's come from a computer game, but that's just the beginning of the problems. The worst thing about the film by far is the acting; the likes of Robin Dunne (as Robin Hood) and Erica Durance (Maid Marian) are astonishingly poor and some of the supporting cast were even worse. The worst thing about the acting? Those accents, which grated on my ear throughout. It doesn't help that the dialogue is reduced to the level of "Prithee, fair maiden" type nonsense.The film muddles along, throwing in some half-hearted romance and plenty of scenes that copy the likes of ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES, with Julian Sands delivering another hammy turn as the villain of the piece. Then, thankfully, it's over, and I couldn't be happier because the only thing truly monstrous about this production is that horrible CGI.
Grassy1 This was one of the worst movies I have seen. Must have been first time roles for the actors unless they just grabbed people off the street. The whole movie felt fake and very forced due to the poor acting.The storyline was definitely usable albeit a twist of many movies such as Stargate etc... I don't even know if that part of the movie was needed. It was like 2 short films put together to make a full length film.The cgi was average and the fight scenes were very obviously acted and not believable at all.All in all I would say a huge disappointment. Do not waste your time watching this movie.
loveistheonlyway Beyond Sherwood Forest is a great twist on the classic Robin Hood tale. All of your favorite characters are here, with one new character for you to fall in love with. (Can't tell you too much about her; don't want to ruin it.) The reinvention of Sherwood Forest was mildly confusing as the gateway that resembles a Stargate separating the two worlds had some rules that were never explained explicitly, but this didn't make the movie any less enjoyable.The best part of the film is getting to see to many local Vancouver actors. Peter Deluise directs, and Bill Dow (of SG-1), Julian Sands (of Ark of Truth), and Robin Dunne (of Santcuary) are among the stars.
tjmorrill What a waste of film and money. It is amazing that someone thought this was worth all the time and effort. UGH!!!!!! I cannot believe that any one associated with this production could actually add this to their resume. What worthlessness! Who came up with this dunderhead of a script and scenario to begin with? Perhaps we should condemn them to a lifetime of watching some of the worst movies ever (which would be endless loops of this sort of movie. I hope that the actors who were in this turkey take lessons and the production crew go back to film school and learn their craft all over again. If it comes on again turn the channel - QUICK.