Between Love & Goodbye
Between Love & Goodbye
R | 30 January 2009 (USA)
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A modern gay drama about falling in and out of love, and the rocky road in between.

Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
sandover There was a small exchange in the film between Kyle and Sarah where he says: "He (Marcel, his boyfriend) can be so egoistic sometimes!", to which she replies "Actors!" That reminded me Jules Renard's wonderfully biting gag "An egoist is someone that does not care for me." It sums up pretty well I think the stupid tone of this film.A new low for bad writing, too. "It was so exciting," and after two lines "It meant nothing"? Has anyone told these people that writing is not brainstorming clichés in an effort that apparently spans some days in the making of that script. Unless implausibility is what one wants to encounter - did I say implausibility? And then "You're a born loser"? OK, we came to appreciate the high-school charm of the concert's throughout presence that comments and communicates what happens in the film, bla bla bla, but this is off limits; telling your boyfriend how you feel, by a song in a concert? Whee, how humiliating. And lame. And mad.Perhaps you will say, that happens in real life. Sure, there are people, lots of people who wander through life thinking they are ethically realistic, which is actually another name for cynicism, but who cares? "I'm an artist, and my heart tells me what to do." That means "I'm using this as an excuse to prove I am conceited." And then things try to get even worse, and make an amazing effort in the end. Why did I say try?Ah, let's remember Dali, and his wonderful phrase: "Mediocre artists, no matter how hard you strive to be bad, you will always be mediocre."
guil fisher I had just seen another Casper Andreas vehicle last night in NYC called The Big Gay Musical and found it to be a charming film. Then lo and behold I get Between Love and Goodbye in the mail as my Netflix DVD. Not realizing that Casper Andreas too wrote this and directed it. I also remember him as an actor in Slutty Summer. Here are three film entries by the same person and all different. A musical, drama and comedy starring the author himself. Quite a courageous attempt. Now the acting in this from Simon Miller and Justin Tensen as the two lovers was excellent and natural. They seemed to have a good rapport between them. Whether in the bedroom making love, or striking out at each other, it all seemed very natural. However, you didn't know who to route for when the split comes. Now enter the sibling of one of the boys, a woman, changed from a man, and changed back to a woman and then a man again. You dislike her/him for meddling and causing the entire breakup. Role is played well by Rob Harmon. Jane Elliott as the best lesbian friend turned in a great performance. Believable throughout. And Deirdre Brennan as the Interviewer was wonderful. Cold and indifferent with absolutely no sense of humor. I loved her.Now I will argue about the end without giving it away. I didn't like the choice of Mr. Andreas. I felt after two hours of the ups and downs in a gay marriage, there could have been hope given, especially with today's day and age and same sex marriage. It could have inspired others to believe it could happen. There can be a happy ending in a gay film. Shame on you Casper.
radikian I see that some people thought this was an awful movie, but I must disagree.For me, a movie is good when it doesn't let you drift into thoughts like "wait... that's a mistake in the movie" or "argh.. that was poorly acted"... or even better "that's an unrealistic situation...".The actors were splendid. The story was sad, yet it convinced me. The situation was a possible situation, and the character's actions and reactions don't seem to me like a movie script, but rather like something that could happen to real people. So, I think this was a good movie... I gave it 9 stars because it made me feel sad... but I won't tell you why.... watch the movie and decide for yourselves whether you like it or not...
itsvivek4u I am so glad I am watching these films in the film festival. So many new concepts and ideas and the fact that they are actually executed well makes me feel so good and happy. I sometimes feel that I should somehow be a part of all this. The film is a modern day gay drama about falling in and out of love. Sometimes you can think that everything is going in favor of you until some unseen forces come to destroy your life.Kyle and Marcel fall in love the instant they see each other. They are so perfect for each other. Since they cannot marry and live together legally, the french Marcel gets married to his lesbian friend Sara so that he can live with Kyle. Everything seems to be just so perfect and then enters April, Kyle's sister ( a transsexual and a prostitute). She has instant disliking for Marcel and soon we realize that her aim is to break this wonderful love that Kyle and Marcel share. She starts poisoning their life slowly and methodically. Marcel can clearly see what an why April is ding but all Kyle sees his April , his sister, his family. He does not want to choose between Marcel and April. But Marcel wants Kyle to ask his April to move out so that they can spend more time together. After a series of misunderstandings, finally April succeeds. She now id Cole because her breasts are not adjusting with her body. Kyle and Marcel decide to breakup and then starts the fight about the NY apartment. Clearly Cole does what he can best to fill in Kyle's mind with everything negative about Marcel just so that he can win. This leas even to the extent that Cole reports about the fake wedding that Marcel and Sara took. Immigration one day is finally taking Marcel away when Kyle suddenly realizes what a big mistake he did. He runs after him but its to late and tragedy strikes. The end is left for the viewers imagination.I actually really liked the film. There were so many bits and pieces that seemed so real and slice of life. The constant fights, saying sorry to each other, making up soon, having fun and sex, hanging out with friends etc. It was good. Guy who played April/Cole was good. He was very convincing. You cant help but hate him. He was that god. Other characters acted well too. It showed how the couple gets trapped between the emotions of love and goodbye.I can definitely see this movie again.