Beste Zeit
Beste Zeit
| 26 July 2007 (USA)
Beste Zeit Trailers

Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Horst in Translation ( "Beste Zeit" or "Best Times" or "Good Times" is a German 90-minute movie from 2007, so this one has its 10th anniversary this year. It was made by director Marcus H. Rosenmüller during a really prolific phase in his filmmaking career. The script is by Karin Michalke and the word "beginnings" describes this project very well as it is the very first writing effort by Michalke and she worked together with Rosenmüller on several other projects, including the two sequels to this one here as by now it is already a trilogy. It is the very first acting credit for Anna Maria Sturm and Rosalie Thomass who is quite a star in Germany now had her first bigger role in here too, even if I would not call it a breakthrough performance. In contrast to the other films perhaps, Sturm is really so much in the center of it all that Thomass' is more of a supporting performance. The crucial plot points here also all involve Sturm's character, like her invitation to make an exchange year in America or her boys' troubles. Thomass' character is just there to comfort her friend and deal with the situation of her friend missing for a long time herself. So yeah, there you already have some crucial plot components from this film. Like several of Rosenmüller's other works, there is great focus on the Bavarian area where the film is set, in terms of accents, Bavarian joie de vivre, beautiful rural landscapes and other aspects. As for the film itself, I really wasn't impressed at all. I am not a great fan of Thomass and see her more an an equally untalented, but younger Veronica Ferres and still I must say the actress they put next to her in here isn't any better either. Pretty disappointing. More known actors in here are Brückner and Bruch, but the way they were written, they hardly make an impact at all. It's all about the girl(s). The more dramatic moments did not become memorable to me and the ending is as unrealistic as it is predictable. Happy ending for the sake of it, but only the simple minds in the audience will be satisfied. Also the attempt to make these girls likable did not work out from my perspective as I really found myself with a couldn't care less position in terms of me caring for what would happen to them next, let alone hope for them finding happiness. I give this one a thumbs-down and for all I care no sequels should have been made. Watch something else instead.
sez_10 I had a wonderful time attending the Regensburg preview of Beste Zeit. I was very worried that with only 4 months of German training and a total of only 7 months living in Bavaria, that i would have a massive problem understanding a lot of the humor throughout the film. Much to my surprise i found that the story was very easy to understand to an "auslander". I'm looking very forward to reading the subtitles on this movie when i watch it the second time, and i will definitely be recommending it to my Mum and sister. However, my boyfriend, who was with me at the premier, also enjoyed it very much, but i think that was mostly because of the Bavarian humor. He is also Bavarian. The relationships between the main character, Kati, and her friends and family surrounding her, are so understandable, and easy to relate to. They really have fantastic bonds, and these are explored quite well throughout the film. Apparently this is part of a trilogy set, and if that is true, i look forward to seeing how these relationships grow and grow.There are little to no conflicts in the film, but i didn't find this to be a problem at all, as i enjoyed the uplifting nature completely. All in all, its a wonderful, romantic painting of the Bavarian countryside and its lovable inhabitants. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to travel to these remote parts of Germany, or even if you just feel like taking a holiday in your local independent cinema. It's just great.