Beneath the Dark
Beneath the Dark
R | 05 November 2010 (USA)
Beneath the Dark Trailers

Driving to a wedding in Los Angeles through the Mojave Desert, Paul and Adrienne pull off the highway and into Roy's Motel and Cafe. This roadside artifact proves to be a strange and surreal place with an unsettling mix of travelers, who force our couple to discover the secret hidden between them and ultimately, the horrifying reality of their current situation.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
michelle-k-1221 I can't believe the low ratings - what is the matter with you people?!?! Yeah, the story has been done before, but there is enough originality to hold my interest through the entire movie. The acting was awesome. There are enough twists and turns throughout to keep it interesting.I love indie movies, and this is an example of why i love them so much. I watch a LOT of movies, so if come across one that can keep my attention through the entire thing, it's a big deal. This one kept my attention all the way to the end.I think if you watch this without trying to compare it to something else and just enjoy the story, it is an enjoyable and interesting plot.
movieman_kev Paul (Josh Stewart of the FX TV show "Dirt") and adrienne (Jamie-Lynn Sigler of the much- better known Sopranos) are forced to divulge secrets after they stop at a peculiar motel in the middle of the Mojave Desert and meet some of it's weird denizens. This movie was slow, uneventful, and while not boring, not particularly enjoyable. However the acting was decent and the soundtrack to the film was pretty good.The mystery behind some huge secret had my intrigued, but the pay-off for that wasn't really worth my investment in it.Eye Candy: Angela Firestone gets toplessWhere I Saw it: Showtime Extreme
keeganmurray-19 Beneath The Dark starts well enough. A young couple pull up into a hotel, looking for a place to stay for the night. As in so many hotel horrors that went before it, the place is deserted and what little people that are around are incredibly sinister. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Imagine Reeker, Vacancy and The Shining (try spot the references) thrown into a blender. That's the impression Beneath The Dark makes early on, and it's a good 'un. Slowly the movie unfolds a series of flashbacks which give an insight into the past of a few of the characters we have seen throughout the movie and into the secrets that their past holds. Paul and Adrienne are a run of the mill young couple experiencing a few relationship problems (Vacancy anyone?) and Frank is the lonely hotel owner who is sinister in his overt friendliness. All sounding pretty run of the mill so far? Here's where it veers off. Through the pre-mentioned flashbacks, and also the bizarre reveals we begin to realise there's a lot more going on in Paul's life than meets the eye, and from some reason, the events of the night seem to be unfolding around the mysterious secrets of his past. As the intensity of these bizarre incidents is cranked up the viewer begins to feel increasingly unsettled and also engrossed. The slow burning build-up beats every last inch of possible tension out of what is, in all fairness, a very lame script. Slowly Beneath The Dark appears to be building to something magnificent, and then boom, the end has happened. Where was our sensational denouement? Nowhere to be seen. In a finish that's likely to leave more questions than answers, and not in the good David Lynchian way, the viewer is left feeling somewhat ripped off. You put up with the bad acting and poor dialogue for what appears to be an interesting plot and quite decent direction to be left feeling somewhat dumbfounded as to how the writer felt that to be an acceptable finish to the movie. Beneath The Dark as a result, appears to be a case of a writer biting off more than he can chew, but with some very blatant signs of potential for the future. All in all I give it 6/10.
aw1435 Since the majority of the critiques are ignorant of the truth I'm just going to spell this out for you. The film is a re-vamp of Albert Camus' short story The Guest. It's an existentialist piece... if you don't appreciate either the writer or the movement then this isn't for you. I loved both and thought it was well executed. The soundtrack was great to boot. I'll eventually try to add that on here as it's a shame it's not already done.It's only when the prisoner is set free with the choice to make on his own that he suddenly finds peace with his solitude & meaning in a life where he too has freedom of choice, "In this vast landscape he had loved so much, he was alone". It's here we see three of the pillars of Camus' point –liberty, justice and happiness. Furthermore, Camus makes the prisoner a "Guest" to represent his assertions of brotherhood --the fourth pillar; "Men who share the same rooms, soldiers or prisoners, develop a strange alliance". This best illustrates that each person is alone in exile but sharing the planet with each other & in doing so makes us each alike in that regard. It comes across as a statement of liminality, like we are alone but with each other.Liminality is an anthropological term used to describe political and cultural change as well as rituals. During liminal periods of all kinds, social hierarchies may be reversed or temporarily dissolved, continuity of tradition may become uncertain, and future outcomes once taken for granted may be thrown into doubt. ...tell me it's a spelling mistake :P