Bells of Innocence
Bells of Innocence
NR | 01 January 2003 (USA)
Bells of Innocence Trailers

Jux Jonas is stuck deep in the heart of Texas with his friends Oren and Conrad after an emergency plane landing. Soon, they realize they're far from safety, stranded in a strange community where the locals seem under the spell of a voice from a short-wave radio owned by a local rancher. Will they ever escape? Also co-stars Norris's famous father, Chuck, in a supporting role.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
davisdebra2003 i thought this movie was good,i like any thing with chuck in,it was a different role for him, but he carried off the role very well.not much violence,which was good to see. a little bit of religion does not hurt any body and having faith in god and faith in people is nothing to be ashamed about. a nice family movie, no swearing or nudity was a nice change. was nice to see chuck's son and granddaughter in this movie, nice to see family members involved in this movie, they should all be pleased with the end result, a movie for all the family to watch. i purchased this movie on DVD, and have watched it a number of times,my twin daughters aged 13 really enjoyed watching it
EdwardMartinIII (Chances are, I'm gonna spoil Valuable Plot Points while writing this and because I can't determine and don't really care what YOU think is a Valuable Plot Point, then if you are thinking of watching this film and have an issue with learning such things, then I suggest you hop right on to the next review.) You know, I don't mind the cult films being filed under the "cult" section. And people who believe it can go there and get their fill of the "reality". I mean, is it too much to ask that the overtly pseudo-Christian propaganda films be filed with the other Special Interest movies? I couldn't have been more flabbergasted had Pat Robertson made a porn movie. (or would that be "flubbergasted"?) It was bad enough that there was an egregiously insufficient count of kicking and punching in this. It was bad enough that the same story has been done repeatedly in much better ways. It was bad enough that it wasn't filed under Special Interest, with other cult films. It was bad enough that it somehow is receiving nods for being "realistic" as if we live in the world where towns get possessed by the "debbil" and the really profound and nasty evil ISN'T done by human beings -- usually in the NAME of religions based on the god of Abraham. It was bad enough having to simply shut the thing down because people were complaining so loudly that it was awful.No, the really BAD part was when one of our guests stood up after we finally had to just turn the damn thing off, and declared "I for one would like to see something really violent or pornographic now, just to get that OUT of my head. Preferably both, if you have it." And we had just MET her.
Leonhart-PL OK, I'm 26 so I've been thru all the action heroes 80's hype, and Chuck Norris along with Seagal, Van Damme and the rest of the guys were my childhood heroes, fighting the bad guys, shooting dozens of bullets from one round only;) I saw the advert of this movie on TV a couple of days ago - Chuck Norris was throwing some fireballs from his fingers. WHOA! 'That is a must-see crappy movie!', I said. And indeed it was. Only a lot lot worse. It is very difficult to see all the movie - stuffed with some religious thoughts, ridiculous zombie-like monsters, who serve Satan, all the idea of a plot set in some forgotten community, which represent whole mankind - it is a load of Christian fundamentalist's wet dreams.I've nothing against Christianity, even in the movies, but this one lacks taste, it lacks almost everything that connects with a common sense, c'mon, Chuck Norris playing an ANGEL, whose job is to look after little town, where Satan lives?!?! The whole plot is so damn straight and boring, not mentioning its silliness (yes, it's not stupidity anymore, we're talking silliness like... like a retarded child's joke) make altogether terrible movie, made as far as I suppose for elder people very much devoted to Catholic Church, because young viewers laugh at almost every scene. Technically it's incorrect, the fx are worse than the ones you've seen in early 90's in TV series, the plot seems VERY stupid, actors could be easily exchanged to cardboard stands, not mentioning the music which as far as I've heard was played on a childish toy piano. I've seen a lot of movies, even the worst ones (the ones from the IMDb bottom list) like 'Space Mutiny' or 'Manos - hands of fate' BUT believe me nothing compares to this ridiculous, terrible, horribly acted quasi-movie which brings some students' prank movies to my mind rather than regular production. Avoid it. At all cost avoid it. There's even nothing to laugh at. Chuck Norris has officially finished his movie career.
KWilksD This is one of the darkest Christian movies I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot of Christiann films). Bells of Innocence tells the story of three men who crash in the desert when taking a small airplane to deliver bibles to a town in Mexico. They come upon a mysterious town that is being controlled by an evil force. The acting is pretty good. The visual effects were good at the beginning and during the middle of the movie but I think their quality went down somewhat towards the end. The movie does well in its attempt to depict the struggle between good and evil. The story is pretty easy to understand although I got a little bit confused with Mike Norris's characters death at the end. I would say the movie is probably not suitable for children, who could get scared from some of the scenes.