Bela Kiss: Prologue
Bela Kiss: Prologue
| 10 January 2013 (USA)
Bela Kiss: Prologue Trailers

A true story, Bela Kiss was one of the the most brutal serial killers, who killed 23 young women during the beginning of the first World War. The blood-drained bodies were found in metal barrels, conserved in alcohol. According to rumors, he was still seen decades later, in different parts of the world. He never was found and so the whereabouts of this man are unknown, even today. Almost a century later, five bank robbers search for a hideaway in a remote hotel, as they flee from the police. Brutal and unforeseen events take overhand and build a bridge to the past. The assumed safe house turns into a nightmare... is Bela Kiss still alive?

Lawbolisted Powerful
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
fairlesssam I enjoyed this movie. From the onset it was mysterious and engaging. There was no clear direction where the film was going. I knew nothing about the I story, hadn't read the back of the case (which is how I like to view movies).We meet a group of young bank robbers, who I have to say seem the most innocent kind of bank robbers ever featured in a film. They are on their way to a safe hotel set in the woods. On the way they come across a car blocking their path and a suspicious chap with a gun. The hotel is mysterious and enigmatic, the leader books them in under fairy tale names. Which for some reason stands out as a key moment in the film to me but probably isn't. There are several moments in the film like this.Even though the initial characters aren't particularly interesting there is something very watchable about the movie, what is happening around the main characters is more enthralling than they are. As the movie progresses the owners of the hotel become more prominent within the film and demand your attention. Details seem to be important. The crescendo is gory and violent, lots of blood. As the film closes it seems to lose some of it's charisma. The ending is a little disappointing, just seemed lacking the magic that ran through the rest of the film.
zuhairvazir Not bad for a film, which invited such scathing opinions; "Kiss" is a tense film with 440 pounds of excess emotional baggage. The build up to mischief at Hotel Transylvania takes its sweet time in coming to play and terms with Nikolai's accent and horrendous dialogue delivery. The kills are subtle and effective, things go nuts and all woozy in the third act when one of the guests is administered a certain paralyzing agent through tea, a hot cup of tea. "Kiss" also goes the extra mile and explains to us that the immortality is the only trait the hotel management and staff share with vampires, that and the blood I assume, since there was loads of it in this slasher, haunted hotel flick. The rest are mere "fairy tales", says the butler to the victim,With its enticing, "true story" history from 1914 to present-day and a jumbled, nonsensical plot, "Bela Kiss" entertains some with its 'no-show' kills, mediocre to laughable acting, the back-story. Vision of the Avengers fame as a serial killer, the home-coming of a twist, no-clue-title, and blood, gallons of blood, bath tubs full of blood.
jacksonrose741 Bela Kiss - Prologue is a very atmospheric low budget horror-thing from Germany. It is a strange movie, but worth a look. It's got great atmosphere, a bizarre story line, excellent editing and cinematography plus some decent horror and suspense. The serial killer Bela Kiss is very charismatic (Rudolf Martin fits great). At times I wondered exactly what kind of movie I was watching - it has a sort of art house feel to it in places, and at other times devolves to an all-out slasher. It's an odd style, but captivating for an hour and a half. The movies sums up the plot somewhat, but opens new doorways at the end. I'll probably watch the sequel, whenever it comes out. Looks like a decent story in the making. 6 points from me.
Shizuka For some reason five really, really clever bank robbers who look like models decide to hide away from the police in a hotel.First price for the dumbest bank robbers (or the dumbest movie script) goes to...Perhaps they should have rather stuck to modelling - robbing banks and hiding from the police surely is too much of a mental effort for them.Well I could go on that there is a serial killer in this hotel who has lived there for 30 years or so and all those acting school rejects get killed...But hey you say, haven't I seen that a gzillion times before? Yes you have - but mostly even these were movies made by people with a gzillion times more talent than anyone involved in this epic fail.With the decreased cost of digitally producing a movie every zero-talent wanna-bee puts out a stupid horror movie these days.And no, the reason these movies suck isn't lack of money - it's the total lack of any kind of imagination, story telling skills or the even the slightest amount of talent.