Behind Your Eyes
Behind Your Eyes
PG-13 | 16 July 2011 (USA)
Behind Your Eyes Trailers

A couple. A kidnapping. A secret. A weekend to meet the parents becomes a weekend of trying to stay alive for perfect couple Steven and Erika.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
drama59 what I think is that the writer thought he had twists that would surprise the audience. Um well..not really. So a boyfriend decides to take his girlfriend to meet his parents. Well needless to say it is easier said than done. You have the ruse of a "friend" terroizing the couple. Then of course you have the psycho parents. The plot twists are stupid. At least the ones you want to live in the end do live. It was just a mess. Not really scary. I just wanted the movie to end. If you have nothing else to watch then go for it. I do not want to watch it again. Just run away that is my best advice. The cast is OK. Not a movie I would watch again...have to add lines here according to guidelines for reviews...Sigh!
itsgisla I saw this film at a private screening and found it to be very suspenseful. There are several plot twists and the film keeps you engaged from beginning to end. This is no doubt attributed to great writing by Daniel Fanaberia who gives an excellent performance as Mark. Tom Sandoval is very convincing as Steven. Director Clint Lien takes you on a crazy ride that comes to a surprise end. There is never a dull moment in this film. It takes a new twist on an old idea and makes it work well. It helps that the editing and camera work are great as it just enhances the story. Overall, the acting, directing and writing are very good. It would be great to see it receive theatrical distribution.
filmbuff444 I saw this movie at the LVFF and was glued to the screen as soon as the action kicked, around 8 minutes into the film. Before I knew it, I was puzzle solving and I quickly realized I had never seen a film like this before. There are laughs, a few scares and very strong acting from the majority of the cast. I read the above review and am not quite sure what her deal is but I'll tell you this; it's a freshly unique, well shot and acted thriller that does not take itself too seriously and is not afraid to challenge the status quo. I also had a film in the festival and was not surprised at all that BEHIND YOUR EYES took home the big prize. It looks like a studio movie and was by far the most entertaining of the entire weekend. I won't say more so you can enjoy the plot twists yourself.
Debirose52 I screen movies for a local film festival, and attend several festivals a year, and I honestly have not seen a worse film. I saw this at the Las Vegas Film Festival. I can't complain about the camera work or scoring, but the acting and dialog were terrible. It was obvious who the villain was immediately just by his actions, so to me there were no plot twists. I felt no empathy with any of the characters because they were so one dimensional. The Mother and Father characters were so over-acted that they became funny. There were people laughing in the audience, and it is NOT a funny movie. It reminded me of The Room - a movie made in all sincerity to be serious, and actually becomes funny because it is done so badly.