Beat the Devil
Beat the Devil
| 22 November 2002 (USA)
Beat the Devil Trailers

The Driver drag-races the Devil, in order to earn James Brown his soul.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Maya_M So that's how James Brown did it..."Beat the Devil" is worth 8 minutes of your time. If you are interested in watching Gary Oldman in a "Darkness" type suit on with wacky hair and makeup, this movie is for you! Of course Clive Owen plays the mysterious type really well, and as always looks good in a BMW. And then there is James Brown. He has some pretty good lines and he had a good pace...not a bad actor. It is actually pretty funny if you think about it... I mean James Brown wanting to renegotiate a contract with the devil! And since the only way the devil likes it is "winner take all", then they have to race down through Las Vegas and the desert. If this movie were made into a normal length film, I would definitely see it.
imdb-2076 A lot of fun here about getting old. Hehehe! This short movie has a lot from music videos. Both clipping and lighting.It is a bliss to watch. Good actors. Fast clipping and effective stops - a study in cool movies. If you want to have a good warm up you should watch this gem.And the surrealistic race driving. It is just perfect.Twisted humor (the devil vs. james brown? ;-) ). You can clearly see the actors had a great time doing this. Their performance shines. A good watch for those who like a little twisted, fast phased action!10/10!
BigJim5021 You just can't beat Gary Oldman... it's that simple. All of the BMW films are fun little romps, and this one is no exception. And as for the guy that posted before me about the explosions not making sense... It was the Devil in that amazing exploding car, so maybe you should a) suspend disbelief... or b) imagine it as if those explosions are a result of the Prince of Darkness losing a race... I mean... there is a lot of fire in Hell.On a side note, both Brown and Manson were hilarious, and Owen was as charismatic as usual. Not to mention that I enjoyed seeing Danny Trejo in it, even though you can see him in basically every movie made in the last 10 years.yippie/10
filmfreak-5 This is a very amusing piece which is quite a bit out of the ordinary. It makes you think a lot about certain scenes of Natural Born Killers and U-Turn - and if you can actually make it in the world of show business without having to sell your soul... well, only few knows, I suppose... A very decent picture, but the total and absolute best part of the picture is a short appearance by shock rocker #1 Marilyn Manson in the end. The Devil himself, in the shape of Gary Oldman, saying "It's that creepy guy from downstairs..."...I recommend this little piece, it's downright hilarious.... even if you're a poor little sod who's NOT into Marilyn Manson ;-)