Beach Red
Beach Red
| 03 August 1967 (USA)
Beach Red Trailers

American troops storm ashore on a Japanese-held island and push inland while their enemies plan a counterattack in this look at warfare. Soldiers on both sides are haunted by memories of home and the horrifying, sickening images they find in combat.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
TinsHeadline Touches You
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Leofwine_draca BEACH RED is an intriguing war picture, directed by and starring Cornel Wilde, who is a bit long in the tooth for his role but otherwise sound. This is a mildly experimental bit of film-making that takes a psychological approach to a battle, depicting the frightened wits of the young soldiers involved, plonking them into a brutal beach landing and then some claustrophobic jungle combat.What I particularly liked about this film is its stylistic approach, courtesy of Wilde. Most American '60s Pacific War-themed movies simply depict the Japanese enemy as faceless aggressors or even worse as evil demons. Here, they're no different to their American counterparts, frightened and thinking of their family members back home. This film parallels the two sides throughout and builds to a moving climax which really hits home the similarities between the troops.The rest of the film is a little slow and repetitive in places although it holds together quite nicely overall. The action is well depicted at the outset, with a lengthy beach landing which surely must have inspired Spielberg to make the opening bit of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN; the two are photographed in almost identical ways and BEACH RED's action is almost as brutal. The young cast give good turns, particularly Rip Torn, and the photography is fine. The only thing I would change is the use of still photography in the flashback scenes, which dates it a bit.
Robert J. Maxwell Cornel Wilde directed this combat film on Luzon in the Philippines, and he did a realistic job of it. He had the cooperation of what appears to be the entire armed forces of that nation. He had the cooperation of the U. S. Marine Corps too, but when they saw the results, they asked that their credit be deleted.There had never been another movie quite like it, but this was 1967 and a time of experimentation. Wilde had his actors lugging real forty-pound backpacks around on the beach. It's crude and sometimes arty and confusing but it was an original in its time. I don't believe we'd ever seen an assault from the sea in which bloody body parts were left floating in the water before. Corpses, yes, blown-off arms and legs, no.Wilde gives a good deal of sympathetic time to the Japanese defenders of this island. It's completely unlike any of the early World War II movies, such as, say, "Bataan," where the enemy is faceless and referred to only as "bandy legged baboons" and worse. Here, not only do the Japanese soldiers have faces, but some of them are handsome too, and they have friends, and, like the Americans, they have families back home and like the Americans they fight well before they die in agony. It's the kind of movie that's likely to make some people nervous. Not too many, only the ones who think about what they're watching.But it IS crude. I don't know what the novel is like, but I'll bet I could pick out the bits of dialog that were drawn from it. The rest is overblown and tends to state the obvious. And Wilde uses (sparely) internal monologues that could better have been dispensed with. We see a close up of a man's face and we hear his thoughts. "Will I get out of this alive? Oh, sure I will. I got my lucky rabbit's foot with me." That sort of thing. The dumb theme song is so glaringly obvious that it's almost palpable.It's arty too, as befits a war movie made in the 60s. An ominous spider hides in a pretty white blossom. (Did Terence Malick see this?) Lots of reminiscences about life back home, almost all of them in still shots. The interior monologues roll on. ("I love you, darling.") Everybody -- Americans and Japanese alike -- seem to have pretty wives and smiling children at home. Every damned one of them seems to have lived a better life than I have so far! And it's confusing, especially towards the end, as if hurried. This had nominations from two professional organizations for best editing and I can't imagine why. Wilde discovers that the Japanese are about to mount a flank attack and calls in the air force to stop it. "Here come the flyboys," he remarks with satisfaction. And indeed a couple of fighters fly over the beach and strafe the troops to pieces. The only problem is that the troops are all wearing Marine fatigues and there's not a Japanese in sight.The two men we've gotten to know best -- a hillbilly and a minister's son -- evidently have a terrific mano a mano battle with a Japanese soldier until only one American and one Japanese are left alive to show each other a touch of ironic humanity. But we don't see the battle, just the three soldiers lying there.Still, I give the thing extra points for its ambition and its ability to make war creepier than most films do. I can think of only three or four films that can make you squirm with discomfort while watching a battle, by showing that the enemy is something more than a villainous rat. I think of THOSE as true anti-war films. The others are puffery. Maybe necessary propaganda, even good propaganda, but propaganda nonetheless. I wonder if it's ever morally sound for us to leave a movie theater after a war movie feeling satisfied and proud, as if our local high school had just won a football game.
rightwingisevil this is perhaps one of the worst war movies of WWII i've ever watched. there are so many lags and seemingly lapped scenes that stalled and dragged periodically, like the film maker didn't know what to do next. the attack on the island beach by the marines was poorly executed. marines like this bad could not have won the war against japs. the script was so bad, the performance of all the actors, known or unknown were all bad mainly because of the lame screenplay and the poor directing job. the shootings and bombarding between the marines and the japs were also looked so lame and poorly arranged. most of the scenes just looked so fake and not shockingly believable at all. in between the battle scenes, the screenplay stupidly inserted lot of Luke-warm civilian lives of those marines. the most stupid scenes in this film were the camera man who seemed to immune to all bullets, and some of the commanding officers also seemed to be bullet-proof, they stood up in the battle field, giving orders to those marine to charge forward, they stood tall and straight with all the bullets whistling around them, while those grunts hit by the bullets and fell around these commanding officer and the camera man, they never got even a scratch. the dialog also was so lame, not just among the g.i.s, but also for the japs. one of the other stupid scene was that American tanks seemed to be poorly trained for combat, their canons almost never hit the targets, and their presence never empowered the American force during this beach invasion. soldier-actors were poorly administered, lot of delayed actions and delayed responses to bullets and bombardments. this is one of the most uninteresting war movies i've ever watched. when i read the other reviews who gave high praises about this movie, i was a little bit wondering if they've seen a different version of this movie.
bkoganbing Long before Saving Private Ryan and the notice taken of the rather graphic combat sequences, Cornel Wilde produced, directed, and starred in Beach Red which was 30 years before Saving Private Ryan. Wilde got the same knocks and criticism for his film. And he also received a lot of deserved acclaim.The plot such as it is a study of a campaign on some forgotten Pacific island that the US Marines are trying to take from the Japanese. Wilde plays the captain of a platoon and his gunnery sergeant is Rip Torn. Wilde also narrates the film from flashback and within the film itself are flashbacks into civilian life both the Marines and the defending Japanese soldiers have. Also in Wilde's own flashback is his wife Jean Wallace whom he always tried to have parts for in his films.The marines land and the Japanese retreat as per usual in Pacific war films and the war itself. However the Japanese captain, Wilde's opposite number Dale Ishimoto has a rather clever idea for a counterattack. I won't reveal what it is you have to see Beach Red for that.Wilde himself plays a tough, but fair commanding officer. Two marine privates Patrick Wolfe and Burr DeBenning present an interesting contrast in enlistees. Their good natured rivalry carries a lot of the film.As a harbinger of Saving Private Ryan, Beach Red was years ahead of its time. If you are a fan of war films, you cannot go wrong with Beach Red.