Battle Earth
Battle Earth
| 28 May 2013 (USA)
Battle Earth Trailers

Confirmation of extraterrestrial life appears on television screens across the world as a massive spacecraft breaks through the atmosphere on a crash course into the Atlantic Ocean. A young paramedic, Greg Baker, signs up to fight for his planet against the invaders. Baker joins Special Forces members as the squad medic as they escort a classified package by chopper over enemy territory. When their chopper is shot down they find themselves surrounded and outnumbered. Desperate to return to his wife's side and haunted by nightmares, Baker find that his role in the war has quickly become much larger than he could have ever imagined. The mysterious package may be the key to turning the tide of the war, and possibly to saving all of humanity, but Baker must decide whether to protect it or sacrifice it to ensure his own survival.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Stuart Fisher This film is bad and I'd give the movie itself 1 star. It appears that they spent most of the budget on the DVD cover. The cover shows a big city under attack from aliens. It looks good.Unfortunately, the film is completely different from what is shown on the DVD cover. Almost all of the film is shot in one location: somewhere in the middle of nowhere. There's a lot of grass, a few bushes and a few trees. There is lots and lots of shooting but both the aliens and the soldiers don't ever seem to hit anything. The dialog is so bad that I honestly can't remember any of it.Battle Earth also gets one star for the story. It's not that bad really. The story isn't very different from other alien invasion stories, of course, but that's OK. If you can ignore what your eyes are seeing then it's possible to imagine what the film would have been like had it been made completely differently!It was the story that kept me watching until the end. I'm glad I did though because Battle Earth gets another star for the song at the end. That song is called Lonely by Shaela Miller. I've felt lonely from time to time in my life, so I could relate to it. I like the music and the lyrics to the song too. Finding this song hidden away at the end was definitely the highlight of the whole experience for me!
Boristhemoggy I hate giving up on movies, I feel it like a failure. But I was glad to give up on this tripe and throw the DVD in the bin. There are no saving graces....not one. I feel quite misled for a start because the cover depicted a cityscape battle scene that suggested a sprawling global fight with aliens including everyone, military, police, civilians. This is misrepresentation because almost the entire movie is shot by the river and there are no city scapes. The acting is nothing more than dire. Seriously, the director must have made no attempt to get anything from the actors, they're all so bad I felt embarrassed for them. The story? Well, it wasn't really a story at all. It was boy scouts playing in the woods and their antics filmed badly by an inexperienced and unskilled video camera user. I so vehemently wish I could get a refund on this garbage.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, given the production value and the budget for this movie, nothing much can be expected from it, and truth be told, the movie doesn't really deliver.Despite this fact, then I have to say that the effort and force behind the movie was well-meant and wholeheartedly. And credit should be due for the effort that was put into this movie, at least. Sure, this isn't a major Hollywood blockbuster, nor is it a multi-million dollar budget movie. But for an amateur movie-maker project, then "The Medic" (aka "Battle Earth") was a good attempt, and it did seem that the people had fun making it and participating in it.The story in the movie was really tame and weak, and it was basically a no-brainer from start to end. It was really a challenge to keep focus on the movie, as it just had nothing to offer at all.Don't expect to see award-winning performances here in this movie. This is a low-budget movie, and the people hired for the movie weren't seasoned actors, and it showed through the performances on the screen. But still, I bet they had fun running around in uniforms fighting aliens in hilarious costumes.Bring coffee with you if you plan to sit down and make it through this movie. Because keeping focus all throughout the movie is somewhat of a battle!
janet-reilly-1969 What a rubbish, rubbish film. I am furious because the DVD cover looked good (depicting a city in flames and a bridge being blown up) when in actual fact that never happened in the film. It was just a load of blokes running around a woods pretending to be soldiers. If you swapped the guns for a paint balling gun, it would have been the same (but perhaps funnier!) I wish I had read some reviews before I bought the movie.Very disappointing - a 13 year old could have made a better film that this one.Can I have my money back?
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