| 20 August 2010 (USA)
Basement Trailers

Six friends are lured to an underground basement for a sinister experiment, will they escape, but most importantly will they live or die?

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
znbroxton Right from the beginning this film was confusing and disjointed. The characters had no back story or even mild explanation as to who they are, anywhere in the story. There weren't likable, to the point where you were wishing something awful would happen to them. After repeatedly running and getting lost, when we finally find out what the deal is, you still really don't come to any realisations. When eventually someone makes it's to the white room, you're told "Genetically Modified Twins"!!!! Give me a break!!! By putting contact lenses in a persons eyes, do not a monster make! You'd get more entertainment watching re-runs of "I Dream of Genie".
Hollie 'Poprocks' Robson I'm no intelligent film student but I need to say that this is the worst film i've ever seen. Really bad acting, no real plot or character back story, a set reused over and over, cheap badly done costume design and special effects. Dyer on the cover should have been a clue as to how bad it was, a film student who failed their final year would be livid to see something so terrible released, especially on blue ray.Sorry for no more detail but I really can't think of anything worth writing on this, so to summarise- avoid this film, even if found in the bargain DVD section for 10p second hand- There IS better things you can do with your time than this total waste.
Raoni Ceccim (silver-astronaut) I've got now 493 on my list of seen movies over the past few years since I started it (around the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008) and I've seen some really bad movies. But none bad enough to get a score of 1 on the site! This one's gotta be THE worst movie I've seen in my entire life!I went on to check it because of Danny Dyer and Jimi Mistry, which are both good underrated actors (specially for making some B movies really good and entertaining). On this particular movie, I haven't seen any kind of acting from any of the actors. Seriously, I would do better, and I've only had 1 year of acting classes.please, don't do the same as me. DO NOT watch this movie, unless you've got absolutely nothing better to do. and believe me, even burning your house down out of boredom would be something better to do.
Chane Steiner Worst movie I've ever seen. When I looked it up on IMDb, it was rated a 9. I am now 100% sure that it was their family and friends who gave the ratings. This movie was an absolute waste of time. Please save your money and time.Nothing in this movie made any sense. It was completely ridiculous. To the film makers: Please never make another movie in your life. You are completely clueless. How can you even release such trash?If you think I'm being mean, think again. I am actually being nice for how horrible it was.Yes, it was seriously THAT bad.