Bare Naked Survivor
Bare Naked Survivor
R | 07 July 2001 (USA)
Bare Naked Survivor Trailers

Spoofing the hit television series Survivor, six young women are sent to a tropical island along with game show host Cliff Probate (Lenny Juliano).

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Spitney Beers Yeah, it was a bad movie, but I knew that when I rented it. I knew exactly what I was getting and if you're honest with yourself, you did, too.There's not a whole lot to the story, but then again, there's not a lot of story to Survivor either, the movie it's spoofing. I was surprised that they did go into a lot of character development. I knew all the girls names and personalities. If there was one thing they did right, it was that.Six girls are competing in a Survivor game on the island of Butta Cheeka for the grand prize of a "buttload of money". Cliff Probate (Lenny Juliano) is the host, spoofing Jeff Probst. Cliff was funny due to the fact that he knew he was on an island with 6 hot girls and thought it would be his big chance, but even on a island with no other men, he can't make it happen.As for the girls, there is Babbette Laroux (Shauna O'Brien), a French woman looking to get her green card. She has a killer body and a secret, and it's not that her French accent is horrible. Also, my favorite, is Ruby Sparrow (Julie K. Smith). Ruby is an ex-marine (or Navy SEAL, depending on which line she's saying) with a rough attitude and most adept to survive. She, too, has a killer body.Dallas Wigglesbutt (Tess Broussard) is the outdoors athletic type. Funny how they picked the most out of shape girl to play this part. I'm sure they could have found a better girl here but at least they didn't have the camera on her too often. Angela Adams (Aimee Sweet) is the ditsy professional surfer who likes to celebrate "Naked Day". I can't fault her for that. Cheryl Church (Alexus Winston) is the religious girl who thanks God for her lipstick and other luxuries while on the island. And, finally, we have Monica Snatch (Aria Giovanni), a bitchy psychiatrist whose voice reminds me of Jackie from That 70's Show.So if you're going to watch a bad movie, this is the kind you want to watch. It may have been boring at times, but at least the women were top notch, except for one. I doubt anyone can mistake this for a serious movie, but for those of you who do, you need to know what you're renting. If you have low expectations, it's not that bad.
circuscatch This film is a little gem which features Aria Giovanni from the internet fame plus it's the first time we see Alexus Winston and Aimee Sweet (both of whom are hot!!). Way better than the Bare Wench Project which i saw it compared too (that film had old, not so great looking women and grainy, ugly, poor camera-work), this film looks good. My only draw back was that it could've used a little more T&A.Also Shauna O'Brien is great! I mean great! Sexy and funny plus it was very cool to see Julie K. Smith in this project. Everyone was funny and it's nice clean fun.I enjoyed it!!
curator99 After the success of the The Bare Wench Project and Bare Wench Project 2 comes Survivor Exposed. They hired a few of the same girls, brought in the "Lunk" character under a different name, and even hired the same cameraman. You'd think they'd have a hit, right? Wrong! The fun, pace and laughs from the Bare Wench movies is completely missing from this tepid little outing. Too much talk, not enough action; and a pace that will leave your finger permanently depressed on the fast-forward button for the entire running time. If you want a good, erotic Survivor satire, try TREASURE HUNT. It's from the same people who brought you Bare Wench, and is a thousand times funnier and sexier than this loser.
ablang I loved this movie! It was often times a hilarious parody of CBS's Survivor series. I should warn you that although the movie contains partial frontal nudity (bare breasts are revealed), it is fairly safe to watch.The movie often teases on what if's, such as things that the contestants or the host wouldn't normally do, so the rules are often challenged. It is good clean sexual fun, even though there are no sex scenes involved. Lesbianism and a spanking are teased at.I would definitely recommend this to any Survivor fan who hasn't seen it yet, but not to any kiddies.