Barbed Wire Dolls
Barbed Wire Dolls
| 31 December 1976 (USA)
Barbed Wire Dolls Trailers

After killing her father who had attempted to rape her, Maria da Guerra is sentenced to prison for life. The wardress is a sadistic lesbian without mercy or humanity. Upon her arrival Maria is taken to a special section for mentally disturbed prisoners where torture and rape are part of the day-to-day reality. One day the Regional Governor arrives, claiming to have received a letter from one of the prisoners describing incredible events in the prison. The writer of the letter was clearly unaware that the Governor is also part of the conspiracy. Carlos Costa, a male nurse pretending to be the prison doctor Moore, falls in love with Maria. After seducing him, Maria kills him with a pair of scissors and escapes with her friends Bertha and the disturbed Rosario, hoping to find safety in the Governor's house, unaware that he will not help them...

Alicia I love this movie so much
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
MovieGuy01 I thought that Barbed Wire Dolls was a good film The story is about a girl called Maria da Guerra who is sentenced to prison for life, after killing her father who had tried to rape her. On her arrival at the prison she is taken to a special section for mentally disturbed prisoners, where torture, rape and violence is a part of everyday life. One day the regional governor of the prison arrives, claiming that received a letter from one of the prisoners, describing the horrible events going on in the prison. Also Carlos Costa, who is a male nurse who is pretending to be the prison doctor. He falls in love with Maria who kills him with a pair of scissors. I thought that this was a very violent film, with some pretty strong senses of sex and nudity, that may be too much for some viewers.
Kayla Fitzgerald Now some people are complaining about the lack of plot, however there is a plot; a weak one, but yes it is there. Most characters are pulled from Ilsa - The Wicked Warden (another Franco movie) and yet all I wanted was for Dyanne Thorne to play a cameo. As a fan of exploitation movies such as Ilsa, I was hoping this was going to be something familiar. And by 'something familiar' I don't mean the same characters and same set. I'm looking for new torture, new sleaze and the like. Other then super fake electrical shocks there is none of that. Just badly dubbed naked girls who pretend to masturbate. If that's what I was looking for then I suppose I would have to have rated this movie more then a 4/10 but it was a little to soft-core for me. And for that I apologize.
D P i am not sure with what intention the movie is made.. It resembles to cannibal apocalypse (another ridiculous movie)in the sense of its treatment and cheap thrills. On the other hand it shows up naked women without any reason in it's frames.the acting, plot, cinematography, screenplay is obviously, missing and you hope that the pathetic background score should have been missing instead. It is that bad. On the acting front, their are just a couple of seconds when you would see some acting on the screen and that is by the warden. when the leading lady prisoner undresses and approaches her, its the look in her eyes which makes you think that a good actress have been wasted.The effort is so bad that that it get stck up in ur brain as if a chewing gum stuck in hair!!! quite frankly, if u want to show women's bodies and make money, then do just that n do it in a way which makes the experience worth enjoying.. or if u want to show the prison life, show it with some empathy and sincerity.
Coventry Well, you can't openly declare that you like (or even enjoy) watching this type of movies because then – let's face it – you automatically get a stamp on your head that says 'potential threat to society'. Barbed Wire Dolls is a non-stop series of sex and violence that explicitly focuses on female nudity and sexual torture. The more reasonable reason to be interested in this film is the man who made it. Jesus Franco, the undeniable Godfather of sleaze takes on the ultra-controversial subject of 'Babes behind Bars' here. Franco is a remarkable director to say the least, with over 180 films on his repertoire as a director. Although this 'Barbed Wire Dolls' doesn't come close to his best achievements, it sure is memorable. But not exactly for the right reasons… The plot is thin to non-existent, it lacks range and feeling and there's no tension to detect. Even the typical exploitation-music (a must for films like this) is absent. Compared to what you might think, it isn't even THAT gross or nauseating. The film doesn't feature sequences of extreme bloodshed or severe mutilation. Instead, Barbed Wire Dolls only serves a lot of naked female beauty and absurd characters. We have the lesbian guard with obvious Nazi-tics, insane prisoners and fraudulent authority-figures. Oh, and let's not forget the falsely accused heroine and the remorseful male guard. Actually, Barbed Wire Dolls looked ideal to supply with a neutral rating. Like 4 or 5 out of 10…but then it got entirely spoiled by the abrupt and idiotic ending. Really, it looks like Franco all of a sudden got tired of it and just said: 'That's a wrap'. Maybe he had to hurry to another set…your agenda is pretty much filled with 180 movies to direct.