Ball and Chain
Ball and Chain
PG-13 | 14 May 2004 (USA)
Ball and Chain Trailers

Somewhere in the middle of Texas, Ameet (Sunil Malhotra) and Saima (Lisa Ray) have a problem. They were perfectly happy avoiding each other until their parents set them up to get married. The reluctant couple decide to do whatever it takes to break off the engagement. After some very embarrassing efforts, they finally succeed in getting their parents to call off the wedding, only to realize they have another problem, they're in love! Meanwhile, Saima's father (Asrani), deciding that she's passed her expiration date, promises her to Ashol (Ismail Bashey)- a sleazy playboy.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
sajib_mmc Watch it if you are a big fan of Lisa Ray, as I did. But in the end, I had the feeling, what a shameful waste of time. What a disgrace!!! Very much predictable story. You can sort the whole movie out just after watching only 15 minutes. Horrible acting by most of the characters except Kal Penn. But he is not the lead actor in the movie. Sunil Malhotra, the lead actor did a horrible job. He has no sense of acting. Asrani couldn't accommodate himself, I think. And Purva Bedi!!! What she was doing!!! Even Lisa Ray hadn't much to do. Only cliché dialogs. But as usual, she was looking hot and gorgeous. If you like her so much, you may watch this melodramatic disaster.
kristina_shatskaya Just a few words to review this Oscar worthy film, well not really, but it is genuinely good laugh and a very warm-hearted film. Please ignore all the uninspiring reviews and Watch It! It actually comes from some of the best french producers Europe has given birth to. :-) I happen to have met him once in Harrods and the guy is Hot as hell. Not to say about his sharp intelligence and witty sense of humour.I could have given this movie more points if i could! And note am voting for the film not taking into consideration my great admiration for the producer. Though it is hard to be objective once meeting him. :-)
sandhya566 I thought this movie was hilarious... yeah it was stupid funny but i mean who doesn't like a good laugh every now and then. There were parts in the movie that dragged but i thought it was a great movie in case ur bored or genuinely want to see a good Indian/American comedy.People who are dissing this movie is because they have no sense of humor. Stop taking the culture so seriously, we all know we do some stupid things no matter where we're from. So stop hating and start appreciating that some film maker actually came and made a movie about you guyz.I would go out and rent it if i were u!...cuz then u wud be missing out on a night of pure fun.
spunge411 This film is a funny romantic comedy about Indian arranged marriage, with a cast that is very easy to like. I know this topic has been hit on many times, but this is different. The stereotypes in this picture are played with realism. Its about Ameet (Sunil Malhotra) and Saima( Lisa Rey), and their respective families wanting them to joined in marital bliss and the trials and tribulations that go into courting.I found Sunil's performance to be quite natural, the film was bright and colorful... very easy on the eyes, and Lisa Ray looked stunning.Kal Penn and Purva Bedi really added to the films funny bone.After seeing this film i couldn't help but be impressed with how far filmmaking has come in this genre. I left the screening with a smile and a feeling that i just saw something really fresh and creative.