Very disappointed :(
A Disappointing Continuation
a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
It is interesting that films from the Balkans always inject comedy into each movie. I think it's proof that every movie can be comedic. This kind of comedy has gradually become "Serbian form". Today, many directors in Hollywood make films in this form. Duan Kovačević, master of drama can be placed at the head of Serbian films, as the most successful screenwriter of all time. Masters of this art Bata Stojkovic showed magic and once again proved that he is unsurpassable actor. This kind of acting we can't see in Los Angeles or New York. There are Mira Banjac, Bora Todorovic and Sonja Savić who successfully follow the lead actor. Directing by Mr. Kovacevic and Mr. Bota Nikolic is fascinating. With little money to make this movie? This is laudable. All praise for producers. Camus's philosophy of absurdity is passed through the context of the rotten ideology. This is a picture of how Tito affected people. Tito-Stalin relations has caused division in the nation. Many have become paranoid. It is no wonder that this movie came out a few years after Tito's death when his power disappeared. Little man fell into paranoia against the great powers become the spy. Alone against all, he attempts to reveal the conspiracy at a high level.
This movie depicts the actions of a man affected by paranoid personality disorder. From the "psychological" point, the movie is excellent! I wouldn't be surprised if Dusan Kovacevic consulted some psychiatrist while writing the screenplay for this movie. However, I must point out one thing - do not fall in to the "ideological" trap of this movie! This particular disorder has nothing to do with the ideology! I can give you an example - My father suffers from the same personality disorder - his actions are quite the same as Ilija Cvorovic's - and he's not a communist at all! The only difference is, he's not after "subtenant - imperialist spy" - he's after his "wife's lover"! But his behavior is quite the same as Cvorovic's! To conclude, this movie is excellent, be sure to watch it - but be aware that disorder depicted has nothing to do with the ideology! It affects all people equally, where ever they live, and whoever they might be!
This is a movie I sought out because of it's ridiculously high ranking on IMDb's comedy genre list. It was definitely a watchable movie, but I found it to be a bit too much of a jumble of political/social commentary, slapstick, absurdity, and violence. The last half hour was especially cringe-worthy, as the main character descends into despair, sadism and ultra-violence. Watching these latter scenes, I found myself thinking about how a Serbian audience in 1984 would have received them. Would they be cringing, too, or would they be laughing? Given the history of the region in the 90's, I'm afraid of the answer.But, it's always nice to see a film from within the communist era that reflects upon the communist apparatus and how it affects daily life, especially in such a candid manner. This film must have really irked some of the people in charge! For searing political commentary that is rolling-on-the-floor hilarious, I highly recommend Milos Forman's The Firemen's Ball.
A lot of lame movies these days are going to international film festivals,we all are asking ourselves what happened to Serbian movie,and this film is reminder that we once had a good directors and for NO.! good screenplays! Movie is intelligent and funny ,like Dusan Kovacevic's work always is. He mocks the regime and at the same time works with really serious subjects and ask serious questions .. I would recommend this movie to anyone . Ilija Cvorovic is a man in his middle age.One day he gets a phone call from the police.He is called to be examined about his neighbor and subtenant . He is afraid of what will the police ask him.But they don't ask him much,they just want to know who is he ,because he just came from France. After that conversation Ilija begin to imagine things ,he thinks that his subtenant is a spy and that kind of thinking led to lot of funny scenes...