R | 16 April 1996 (USA)
Baja Trailers

On the run from a drug deal gone wrong, a beautiful young woman escapes across the border only to find herself trapped in a dangerous web of intrigue and deceit in old Mexico.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
merklekranz Yet another obscure Lance Henriksen film worth seeking out. Henriksen plays a hit-man with relationship problems. Donald Logue is also notable as the psycho boyfriend of Molly Ringwald. Unfortunately, Ringwald's character is totally unlikable and fails to elicit any sympathy whatsoever. The acting ranges from good (Henriksen and Logue), to fair(Michael A. Nickles) as Ringwald's estranged husband, to totally unacceptable(Ringwald). The plot twists and turns, and seems somewhat contrived at times. Nevertheless, "Baja" moves along nicely with it's quotable dialog "a real professional never talks and if he does he lies", desert scenery, and intriguing characters. - MERK
Carson Trent No, I don't agree with all those who said it's crap. It's not that far fetched or exaggerated(for that see Mission Impossible),it's low budget but that's no guarantee for quality(look at Mission Impossible again), the characters are not excessively smart or dumb, or insufficiently developed-it's ordinary on that level, too. Somehow it doesn't work properly but also doesn't fall flat. I would point the accusing finger at the director and writers for the average result. So why write a review? Because it's the perfect part for Lance Henriksen, it fits him like a glove and is one of his best performance ever. He is this neurotic contract killer with a relationship problem who steals every scene he's in. I couldn't pretend he's much different than in Johnny Handsome(he's clearly a niche actor and not wide range), but he's given much more room to develop in this one-and he really dwells in the part.
mythos-4 Lance Henriksen is the only reason to watch this movie. He is at his best combing his unique talent for menace and sensitivity. He is such an excellent actor and much under-rated I think. He has all the best lines and it's worth it just to watch him. Sure wish TV series would come out on DVD.
refinedsugar This movie is definitely a sleeper so with that in mind you have to be in the right mood to enjoy it. I admit Lance Henriksen was the only reason I wanted to see it in the first place so I was mildly surprised by the end. Especially because Lance has a tendency of late to appear in movies where he's the only real value, but the movie's alright.It's different. It's got a relaxed low-key feeling and mood surrounding it and also has the gift of having two under-rated characters actors star. Lance, of course, and Donal Logue. Besides Lance, I can't explain why I liked it. It's a movie you have to see for yourself and make up your own mind. Ringwald acquits herself decently however the story doesn't win any awards and I doubt I would have given this a chance if it wasn't for Lance.