Bahama Passage
Bahama Passage
NR | 10 December 1941 (USA)
Bahama Passage Trailers

A girl, Carol whom the audience is quickly informed "has been around," and her father arrive to take over the business management of an island in the Bahamas owned by Adrian Ainsworth, descendant of many ancestors who have handled it over the years to the satisfaction of its 250 native residents. He is married to a woman who stays away from the island because she is lonely when there. Adrian doesn't want Carol or her father there, and they don't want to be there. Romance can't be lurking far behind the beautiful sunset.

TinsHeadline Touches You
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
kiroman101 A tortured, angst-ridden story set on a salt farm situated on a remote island in the Bahamas. Madeleine Carroll and Stirling Hayden are visually resplendent but the lackluster story negates whatever potential there is for a passionate island romance. In fact, they manage to wade through the entire film without once kissing, a record for two stars who allegedly were engaged to be married at the time.Leo G. Carroll and Flora Robson play a paranoiac pair who are convinced that the majority native population is bent on murdering them. The real star of the film is the cinematographer, who succeeds in offsetting a generally dull screenplay.I'm yet to see a Madeleine Carroll film that was unwatchable, and Bahama Passage is no exception. It would have been nice if the story matched her inimitable beauty and charm, but you can't always get your wish.
radodge As I understand it, both of these films are among the Paramount films purchased by Universal. They are both fabulously beautiful films with wonderful casts and it is a shame that UNIVERSAL does not issue them as one of their DOUBLE FEATURE dvds. It is a shame that two films of this quality and historic interest are not available. Both of these films are exceptional. They have color photography and location filming unusual for the time (1941). Both have big name supporting players of interest, especially Dorothy Dandridge. Mr Hayden was encumbered with the irksome title 'the most beautiful man in the movies' at this time. Fortunately for his employers, he is a good enough actor that his annoyance does not show.
sbibb1 Plot synopsis:Sterling Hayden is a salt farmer on an island in the Bahamas. When his father dies in an accidental fall, it pushes his unstable mother (Flora Robson) over the edge. She believes he was murdered by the natives of the island. She asks to leave the island and takeup residence on another island.Leo G. Carroll and his daughter Madeline Carroll (no relation) arrive at the island and help them out. Sterling Hayden is married and does not reveal this fact to Madeline Carroll, and she falls in love with him. When she finds out he is married she is upset and feels like a fool for falling for him.Meanwhile, Flora Robson has gotten Leo G. Carroll worked up and he believes as well that the islanders are out to kill them. In a weak moment he shoots and kills a native boy, and the trouble begins for everyone.The film was shot on location in the Bahamas and the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful. The film was shot in technicolor and the colors originally must have been bright and vibrant. Watching the movie made me wish I was there.Madeline Carroll is breathtakingly beautiful in this film. Dressed most of the time in white she gives off a inner glow. Sterling Hayden will surely make female hearts flutter (and a few men too) he seems to spend the better portion of the film shirtless.The supporting cast is good and able. Mary Anderson plays Hayden's wife, though she appears in only one brief scene. Dorothy Dandridge appears as a maid in this film, early in her career, and is only in a few scenes.This film is still under copyright and is not available on VHS or DVD. If you can get a copy of this film I suggest you watch it. The scenery and the cast alone make it worth while.
quietman-5 I saw Bahama Passage in the Avon Theater in Providence, Rhode Island in 1941 or 1942. The film, with the Bahama's incredible water shown in Technicolor made a lasting impression on me. I have traveled throughout the Bahamas for many years never tiring of the beauty of these islands. I have not seen the film in sixty years and I am unsure if a print still exists. If anyone knows if a copy of the film exists and where a copy can be purchased I wouild greatly appreciate hearing from you. Many years ago I was able to make a color VCR tape of "Virginia" which is also a fine film starring Madeline Carroll, Sterling Hayden and Fred MacMurray. I believe Madeline Carroll and Sterling Hayden were married during the filming of either Bahama Passage or Virginia. Thanks for your help.