Bad Day
Bad Day
| 18 February 2008 (USA)
Bad Day Trailers

Rebecca Ryan has been working as an undercover agent for the Organised Crime Division (OCD) posing as a taxi driver, while investigating London's south-side mob. When she finds her young daughter Lynn brutally murdered she fears her cover has been blown wide open, so she turns renegade and begins a brutal campaign of vengeance against the mob she believes killed her daughter. As she trawls the seedy depths of London's underworld hunting down her daughter's killers, the lines between good and evil, right and wrong begin to blur as do her notions of justice and revenge. It falls to the world-weary OCD agent Darius Cuise and his newly-assigned, hot-tempered partner Abby Barrett to track down Rebecca and bring her in before all hell breaks loose.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
amyduskwalker I can't believe all the good reviews for this film. Most of them are by people who joined the IMDb, gave this film a glowing review within 24 hours and then never contributed to the site or message boards again. What a coincidence!Anyway I had the choice of giving this a glowing review or an honest review. I chose to give an honest review to counter all the fake positive ones.I didn't like this movie at all. I didn't feel it was worth the cost of buying it.To deal with the positives first. Claire Goose is excellent in the lead role. There is one good fight scene between Claire Goose and Donna Air.That is the end of the positives I'm afraid.The negatives are everything else. Donna Air isn't as bad as her detractors suggest but she doesn't hold her own against Goose. The other performances are all weak. The script doesn't make sense. The low budget is all too apparent, Bad Day looks like a you tube video.
Dean Rowley Wasted enough of my time watching the film to waste much more reviewing it, so suffice to say it was bad. Acting = bad. Characters = bad. Script = bad. Story = bad. Fight sequences = bad. Driving in a wobbly car = bad. The over-illuminated dashboard = bad. The editing and score almost reached the dizzy heights of mediocre...but not quite and still = bad.It started off bad then progressed to a new level of bad especially when being introduced to moody cop saying 'same sh1t, different day' to himself...and he was also one of the writers.In fact, let's just comment about the writing. You know when one film pays homage to another by using some of the script...seems the writers thought this would be good but then changed every other word to avoid being the same resulting in what can only be described've guessed it = bad.What it looked like, was a school project with no budget and 25 script writers disagreeing so much that every piece of dialogue was an unsuccessful compromise.Best bit was watching Donna Air being beaten up in a girl fight.It was bad, okay? Not even one of 'Girl's Aloud' in the cast saves it.My wife summed it up as the final credits rolled and she said, to the screen, "You should all be ashamed of yourselves". And if you do get this far, just ask yourself why all the detectives were blessed/cursed with OCD? Monk wannabes?
billrenny I watched it without knowing what the movie was about. I remember reading about how cool this movie was and I saw the face book page and watched all the you tube behind the scenes stuff, but I had no intention of seeing it. So when my friend rented out on DVD and put it on I had no choice but to watch it.This is a classic low budget film, a throwback to the old cop movies. A movie about a cop gone bad. This movie has a great cast, great script, and flawless direction. This film is great because they focus on the story more than anything else. Add a few twists, turns and a unexpected conclusion and you have a hit. You really get carried away with everyone in the film from Claire Goose to Sarah Harding, my advice, watch this movie. It's a classic. I love this movie!
jasonallan0072003 Bad Day may be the single best UK low budget movie ever made, and quite fittingly it is by one of the most creative directors of the independent film world, Ian David Diaz. Don't know who he is? Just buy or rent out The Killing Zone a movie that was wrongfully denied of any attention from the British film industry but praised by Harry Knowles from Ain't it cool.This movie is really entertaining from beginning to end, the dialog is surprisingly hilarious for this type of film, and I think that's what has made it so unique. The film does not even reach a tenth the degree of violent represented by the average Tarantino film, and it relies, instead, on amazing performances, flawless direction, a great soundtrack and edgy, tense camera-work. I'm from the states and I order this movie on line because my DVD player can handle the European system DVDs. The film starts with a brutal murder by two black dudes, one being Dominic Debias and the other being Marlon Sage Kerr, who kick-start the film with unbridled meanness'. This scene is then followed by the heroine of the movie Rebecca Ryan played by the brilliant Claire Goose. From here on in you have entered a world of the cop movie (but it's set in England) with all the trappings, the no nonsense black boss (Robbie Gee), the good looking rookie cop played by the sexy Donna Air and the worn-out experience cop Darius Cruise played with excellence by Anthony Ofoegbu.The editing by Diaz is slick and even though it was all shot hand held the quick-cuts, close-up camera shots and the variety Bad Day has is not just held within inside its narrative, but within its technical side too. Then you have the brooding use of music composed by Dominic Glynn painting the film with a dark level of ill feeling. The set-pieces are also well crafted, the chase, the fight in the junk yard between Claire Goose and Donna Air, the shoot out in the restaurant and the climax in the church which was performed with such power by Claire Goose and Donna Air.For me Donna Air was the brake through performance of this movie her entire body: running, screaming, fighting, running some more: the being and thinking blond thing was part of her character, and my God she did an outstanding job! This is not to say that the rest of the cast didn't do as well because they did. Bad Day is, quite simply, a hard-boiled, cop movie masterpiece and definitely deserves a watch if you haven't seen it.
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