Backyard Wedding
Backyard Wedding
| 13 July 2010 (USA)
Backyard Wedding Trailers

Kim Tyler grew up loving her next-door neighbor, Evan Slauson. Now she's all set to have the wedding of her dreams to stable Jeffrey in her parents' backyard, but her ex-husband, and first love—whose parents still live next door—keeps popping up causing her to seriously question her big plans.

Steineded How sad is this?
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
sa8713 The movie starts out and doesn't even tell you how Kim's first marriage broke up. So while her and the new fiancé are having problems your screaming "just dump him and go back to Evan." Of course your not completely sure because maybe thats exactly what Evan, the ex, was doing to her to. Trust me if i was in her position there would be no way i would plan the wedding completely by myself and then just let my fiancé show up whenever it was convenient for him. When Jeff first started telling me that he wasn't going to be there for a couple days because his job was more important i would have been mad, probably understood the staying behind, but the going to a different state 5 days before the wedding i would have been mad, on the brink of finding someone else to stand with me at the alter. Apparently he didn't mention to his boss to have someone cover for him because he was getting married and if he couldn't' even tell him boss that then whats going to happen when the first baby comes, or the second, or the third.... All in all the movie went the way we knew it was going to go. Very happy to finally see the love birds from sixth grade together but it would have been a better ending if they would have fast forwarded like five years to them in some third world country, her helping as a doctor and him helping with the water.
lorrainesophia I only watched this because it is the run up to the William and Kate's Royal Wedding; and our TV's are being bombarded with romantic wedding films. The majority have been average to good. This one sunk to the lowest of lows. I agree with the previous reviewer, it is so dragged out, it appears the actors have forgotten the script and are gap filling. The brides father is the worst actor EVER and the remaining cast aren't much better, including Alicia Witt. The director must have been going through a really bad time in their life and gave a halfhearted effort. I wouldn't watch this again, even if paid large amounts of money. I don't think anyone should be married to anyone in this film, in fact they shouldn't even be acting together !
edwagreen Wonderful film which in its own way was a remake of 1940's "The Philadelphia Story," and its remake of "High Society in 1956.A story of children growing up next door to one another and marrying as adults. Problem was that even though they were both professionals, they were unable to make the marriage work and divorce followed.Now, our young lady is about to marry again but her husband-to-be is all concerned with business. Coincidentally, her ex-husband comes around wedding time to visit his parents, who still reside next door. The film is funny in the sense that the 2 fathers have been arguing with each other for years and will do anything to get on the nerves of each other.This is an absolutely enjoyable romp dealing with the coming of the age of maturity and reason. The second time around can't very much better than this.
CranberriAppl Sweet Home Alabama was the first movie that came to mind when I read the Fios summary for Backyard Wedding. I'm a fan of Hallmark movies, and with Valentine's Day approaching, I was in the mood for a sweet romance. I didn't get one.In a nutshell: girl and guy 1 are childhood sweethearts...girl/guy 1 marry and then breakup...girl meets guy 2 and gets engaged...girl and guy 1 start having feelings again...all of a sudden guy 2 is no good for girl...they split...girl and guy 1 marry and live happily ever after.First off, I really didn't care for any of the characters including the heroine. Very little chemistry btwn the girl and the two guys. I didn't see why the old guy was better than the fiancée (Todd from Sweet Valley High). The major problem was that they originally broke up bc they were finding out they wanted different things. So you mean to tell me, all these years later, after all their separate experiences, they were suddenly perfect for each other? OK. Honestly, this should have ended just like My Best Friend's Wedding (great romcom). Just because you think you're meant to be w/someone and you feel you have to get what you want, doesn't make it right.Don't get me wrong, you can kill time with this movie, but it isn't one of Hallmark's best.