Backyard Dogs
Backyard Dogs
R | 20 November 2001 (USA)
Backyard Dogs Trailers

Two teenage boys aspire to win a backyard wrestling championship and a chance to appear on a national TV show.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Mike_Smith76 I remember seeing this when it came out, back in the days of VHS tapes and video stores. It looked horrible, so of course I felt the need to rent it. I was not disappointed, as it was terrible. Terrible in all the right ways, especially the acting. What do you expect when there's a former Power Ranger in one of the lead roles. It was non-stop laughter all the way through. The "wrestling" was bad, even by backyard wrestling standards, which says a lot. I'd love to know how much they had to pay Hayabusa to be in this piece of crap. When I happened to notice it on Amazon last week for $1.99, I decided to revisit the past on DVD. So happy that I bought it, since it was just as I remembered it. It will make a fine addition to the "so bad it's good" section of my DVD collection.
ziggytim Did anyone else notice the original black power ranger, Walter Jones, in this? Okay, he's not the greatest actor in the world, but he doesn't deserve to be in this chunk of celluloid vomit. I wasn't a big fan of Power Rangers when I was a kid. However, watching it again in adulthood I realize it's a brilliant piece of high camp and deserves to be venerated. My favorite of the original male rangers is Jones. Even if it was kind of offensive to have the black guy be the black ranger (and Thuy Trang, a vietnamese woman, be the yellow ranger) I loved his combination dance/martial arts style hip-hop-kido. It's a shame that such a talented dancer has to waste his time on these crap acting jobs.
Seymour Asses I'd heard about this movie, but never had any intention of watching it. Then one day, I'm at the video store, browsing through the no art DVDs, and there it is, shining with it's $1.49 price tag, screaming "I suck, buy me!" I figure "What the hell." I'm a huge wrestling fan, it can't be that bad right? So I get home, put the disc in and lay down to watch the movie. Less than three minutes later I realize there's no way in hell I can watch this thing alone, this coming from a man who has sat through practically every blaxploitation film ever made.Somehow I managed to convince my friends that we should spend our Saturday night watching a poorly made, straight to video movie about backyard wrestling, instead of going out and having fun like normal people. It was a decision we would all come to regret.This movie is bad. And I mean BAD. Backyard Dogs is so awful I had to consult a thesaurus in order to properly describe it. This movie is abominable, atrocious, fallacious, sinful, and horrendous. I don't know how anyone involved in this "film" can live with themselves. They deserve to be shunned by society, and live out the rest of their lives in shame. I've seen better movies at work on safety training.Backyard Dogs is so bad I think it might just qualify as obscenity.Rating: 0 out of 100 Billion
cfanning_tempe I saw this movie on sale for a buck and figured it was just a bunch of clips from backyard wrestling. You know, something funny to show at parties and goof on. But to my dismay it's an actual film about a couple of guys who want to become legendary wrestlers by working their way through the backyard circuit.... a fake circuit that receives no attention from actual wrestling promotions throughout the world. Despite the fact that this movie was written by a total mark who has no real understanding or appreciation from the business of wrestling, and despite the fact that they throw in this ridiculous love triangle side plot, and despite the fact that the biggest star in the movie is only known for being the black Power Ranger, the most ridiculous part of this movie is that they actually make it last for an hour and a half. The producers ignore the fact that all wrestling is staged and there is no place for shoot fighting in professional wrestling. They pretend that there is an actual grudge match happening in this film. Why do they ignore what is so genius about wrestling and attempt to mix it with mixed martial arts type fighting. The Backyard Dogs get their name when their manager steps in a pile of dogshit.... I think that's pretty appropriate considering the quality of this script, the acting and the production.