WWE In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede
WWE In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede
NR | 06 July 1997 (USA)
WWE In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede Trailers

In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede took place on July 6, 1997 at the Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta. The card of the event featured four matches. The main event was a ten-man tag team match featuring The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Brian Pillman) against Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust and the Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal). The featured matches on the undercard were The Undertaker versus Vader for the WWF Championship.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
callanvass Live from Calgary, Alberta, CanadaAttendance 12,151Your hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross & Jerry LawlerHunter Hearst Helmsley (W/Chyna) Vs MankindThe match ends in a double countout after Mankind and Triple H brawl in the crowd. I enjoyed this match for the most part. It was an intense brawl with a lot of excitement. Chyna's constant interference affected the match positively and negatively. It was positive because it made Mankind look sympathetic. It was negative because it hindered the match at times.**3/4 out of 5Mankind and Triple H brawl some more in the audience.Taka Michinoku Vs The Great SasukeSasuke wins. This was a lot of fun! It was two guys pulling out all the stops in the air and on the ground to make this what it was. Some wrestling fans may find it tame for today's standards, but those that appreciate good wrestling will love it.***1/2 out of 5Mankind and Triple H take the fight all the way outside the arena.WWF ChampionshipThe Undertaker (C) Vs Vader (W/Paul Bearer)The Undertaker retains with a tombstone. What a match between these two! Aside from one huge botch, this is a hell of a match. You have two big guys with great agility for their size here. I shouldn't be surprised that this is a good match, but I didn't expect it to be THIS good.***3/4 out of 5Bret Hart, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart & Brian Pillman Vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Goldust, The Legion of Doom & Ken Shamrock.Owen gets the win for his team by pinning Austin. Steve Austin runs into the ring after the match to try to get after The Hart Family, but he's handcuffed by security. The Hart Family celebrates to end the show. The ovation The Hart Foundation gets is ridiculously loud. The atmosphere is absolutely electric. Barring a few Austin fan, Austin was despised here. It's a surreal sight to see Austin get booed so vehemently like that. Truth be told, it made Austin look like more of a badass. He didn't give a damn about the reaction and even fingered the fans while in handcuffs. It's just a fantastic main event with so many memorable things going on. It's why I love it when WWE comes to Canada. ****1/2What a PPV! There is not a bad thing on this card. I'd have to rank it as the greatest In Your House PPV of all time. The crowd is amazing. Please go see this if you get a chance.9/10
amanwhorocks 1. The Godwinns Vs. The New BlackJacks - Average bout. 5/10 2. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Mankind - Mankind must hurt himself in every match. It isn't possible. He deserve great piece of respect. - Double Count out ending hurts me more than Mankind. 6.5/10 3. Taka Michinoku Vs. The Great Sasuke - Taka's PPV debut was fine. Nice moves. He lose either. 8/10 4. Vader Vs. The Undertaker - Rematch? I like that with Vader's victory better. 6.5/10 5. Steve Austin/Ken Shamrock/Goldust/Legion of Doom Vs. Hart Foundation/British Bulldog/Brian Pillman - That was best worked main event I've seen for a while. 9/10
Ronald Quincy Dobbs Deep into the WWF's "US vs. Canada/Hart Foundation" storyline, the WWF decided to have their July In Your House in the Hart family's hometown of Calgary, Alberta Canada. The environment is absolutely UNREAL as the fans go nuts for everything the Canadians do (Brian Pillman gets cheered for cheating for example) and boo the US team out of the building with their every move (Steve Austin takes on a heel persona and plays against the crowd getting some of the loudest heat ever, Ken Shamrock tries to play to the crowd and gets booed right out of the building) Just a break down of the matches here.Mankind vs. HHH Probably the best of their original feud, if you loved the Street Fight or the HIAC or the MSG Raw match this is an essential, this is from their original feud and was an absolutely wild brawl leading to a double countout and they fought throughout the rest of the show, the feud culminated the next month at Summerslam ****Taka vs. The Great Sasuke Although they've had many matches on Michinoku Pro TV this is the first time North American WWF fans had been treated to these two (although they made a very very impressive NA PPV debut at ECW's barely legal 4 months prior), a great outing which changed Taka's entire career path because of how the crowd rallied behind him, originally Sasuke was to be pushed and Taka was supposed to be fodder for the light heavyweight division. This match was excellent although a bit short, and is one of the best cruiserweight matches i've ever seen, even close to Eddy vs. Rey. ****1/4 Vader vs. The Undertaker This was originall supposed to be Ahmed vs. Taker, but big surprise, Ahmed Johnson got injured before the match! Thank god his heel push got cut off at the legs. Anyway, this is a really good big man match that really makes you realize how washed up Taker is after he was this great in 97. The selling and bumping are really sound for these two, especially considering how injuries were getting to Vader at this point. ***3/4 10 Man Tag Steve Austin/Ken Shamrock/Goldust/Road Warriors vs. Bret Hart/Owen Hart/Jim Neidhart/British Bulldog/Brian Pillman Wild, 30 minutes of non stop action with the best crowd heat ever for any match (although it was nearly duplicated on Raw in 2000 during the Radicals debut). Wild stuff as Owen Hart and Steve Austin both were "injured" during the match, leading to their exits and eventual return for the finish, Austin gets in a brawl with the Hart family at ringside and gets taken to jail, but is able to get the middle fingers up past the handcuffs. Why couldn't he play THIS character in 2001? Awesome stuff, and i wish that Bret Hart could've gone out on this note. ***** If you don't own this tape...what is wrong with you?!!?!? Get a VHS copy of the coliseum video version "WWF Maximum Impact (97)" which should say contains matches with the July in your house and has Bret Hart on the cover. Probably the best show the WWF has EVER done in competition with only Wrestlemania X-7 and a few others. WWE is nuts not to release this on DVD, i'd upgrade my copy in a second.
Michael Stamp Take 5 Americans, 5 Canadians, put them in a Calgary Saddledome full of rabid Canadians and what do you get? The best WWF PPV ever.Even though this is only a four match event it still ranks among the best ever. The matches range from good to excellent and encompass a range of styles from crazy American brawling to Jap-Lucha to a typical US big man match. New fans who have been weaned on HHH and Stone Cold (yes I know they were both on the card) really out to check this out and see how good this is.