Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of
Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of
| 30 January 2015 (USA)
Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of Trailers

A behind-the-scenes look at the popular boy band, Backstreet Boys.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
lolalove0502 I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I thought it was tastefully done, understanding that it's impossible to get 2 years worth of footage into a 2 hour movie without missing anything. I hope they come out with a DVD that shares a little more (I guess I can't get enough of those 5 guys) I would've liked to see why they were so hurt by Lou Pearlman, if it was just about the money or was there something else.The editing was pretty good and I loved the way the director used the music throughout the film. I have a new found respect for BSB, especially Nick, seeing where he came from and how much work he still needs to do. Finally Howie D came out and expressed his feelings about being in the group, growing up a Howie fan, I always was frustrated that he barely got to sing lead. Kevin and Brian's story was heart-wrenching and I felt AJ could have opened up a little more.I enjoyed the movie and can't wait for the DVD or blu ray.
Ryan Saran ABOUT -- Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of takes us to a journey showing us how BSB were made 20+ years ago. It shows us how BSB manager Lou Pearlman took advantage of them, how AJ and Nick battled with drugs, how Kevin left & returned and Brian's battle with his voice problem. Towards the end of the film, we see Backstreet Boys back onto the same energetic stage which was lost somewhere during last decade.WHAT'S THE BEST -- As BSB fans specially, we become to know these 5 men more properly and clearly. We become to know that these men suffered through hard stages behind their public image. And there's a lot of great inspiration to get when we become to know that AJ and Nick are healthy good boys (or men!) and that Brian inspires himself to get back on the track and also that Kevin is putting a lot of energy into the Family (as he calls it).WHAT WE WILL GET -- If a PIZZA is the best thing a film can give and a CHOCOLATE is the second best thing, then 40% watchers will get a PIZZA and 60% of those will get a CHOCOLATE. I've got half-PIZZA and a CHOCOLATE !!BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT
Sgt Buzzard I was a fan and I bought this video and well what a great disappointment. While a whole bunch of girls were out buying shirts, CDs, and concert tickets, these guys were out drinking and doing drugs with all that money and at least one of them got himself into a cocaine coma. They are trying to re-image themselves from boy band to grown up band while at the same time trying to reach the same level of stardom they once enjoyed. When they all get frustrated with themselves they blame Brian for his difficulty with some vocals. You see Nick get angry and use nasty language towards the team. In reality this video actually makes some of the band members less likable and like a bunch of immature kids. Brian comes across like a person who really could benefit from joining another band, Nick comes across like an immature punk, Kevin comes across like a perverted dad who knows a few choice phrases in German, Howie comes across just fine and level headed he should go on his own also, and AJ has the same sense of humor as my pizza delivery guy. They all got screwed by Lou but without him they may have not faired as well, besides all of them are millionaires now, how many people have you met have gotten screwed and end up as millionaires as well. Buy this if you want to hear the truth straight from the horses mouth, do not buy this if you don't want to ruin the Backstreet Magic. Brian I sincerely hope everything works out for you.
lune78 As a longtime fan, this documentary was a must-see for me. And needless to say, I was not disappointed. Show 'Em What You're Made Of offers a very honest look at the roller-coaster life of a boy band whose longevity and success defied all expectations. No truth is sugar-coated in this film as the boys-turned-men give us a glimpse into their childhoods, their rise to superstardom and, ultimately, their fall and return into the spotlight. From AJ's drug and alcohol abuse to Brian's struggle with his singing voice and the band's conflicts with their first manager Lou Pearlman, the BSB hold nothing back as they recount their 20 year-long journey as one of the most successful recording groups of all time.Tears are shed, hurtful words are exchanged during arguments, but ultimately, the bond between all the guys is stronger than ever. They're a group, but above all, they're brothers. And that's what makes the Backstreet Boys so special.
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