Back Woods
Back Woods
NR | 01 January 2001 (USA)
Back Woods Trailers

When Luther's mother is killed, what's a boy to do? Why, put on a dress and slaughter many, many people as the world's first 300 pound, retarded-redneck transvestite serial killer.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ericxton OK people this is my first "review" and actually i made this account just for this purpose of commenting on this movie ... my woman grabbed this movie at the local hastings(she often gets me stuff at random knowing i love b-flicks) i expected it to be low budget ....but not as low as it was ...and at first i thought" oh man what did i get myself into" ...well i have to say for being little to no budget ...its the greatest film i had seen in a long time ... my friend charles and i watched it and hurt from laughing so hard....I'm beyond glad she got the film for me and in fact it has ranked in my top 10 ...right next to army of darkness .... thats right i said it ...right next to it ..and i meant it ... if your expecting a huge dramatic horror film with million dollar effects about a fat dude killing people go rent some crap like the new Texas chainsaw .... but if you want a film that will have you cracking up, get "back woods" ....a film for people who enjoy things like a 30 year old man coming out of his moms butt in the first 10 minutes thats family fun .... and that was the point of the film ....well maybe not the family part ....(4), vocalist-GOD IN A MACHINE
randy biddle this has to be the worst movie made of all time.don't bother spending money to watch it,my friends and i could make a better movie.last Christmas my mother bought sleazy slashers a collection of bad movies i watched all of them,but i couldn't even get to the end of backwoods.I understand about low budgets but please make an attempt,first they have a man thats supposed to be a women,OK i can deal with that,but it wouldn't take much effort to get a girl from the streets to play Luther's mom"the retarded genius"also i understand about not having a good place to shoot a movie,i might even use a park for my spoof on this movie,but i have a little more money then the 25 cents spent on this.and at least try to film a real gas station,instead of putting up a sign saying gas,even if it means you have to pay for gas,,do two minutes of filming there..i know that wasn't a good review but this movie just was terrible,i would rather watch Tromeoe and Juliet,or toxic avenger 100 times before i will ever put this movie in my DVD player again
hmetal1981 I tried to give this movie a 1, but for some reason it's not possible. I just feel utter pity for those who were involved but not responsible for this movie. This movie is the poster-child for retro-active abortion. I can't believe I have to admit I've seen worse. This movie is rather scary. Once it has hit you that someone can release something like this, you will be scared. A budget of twenty-five cents. The special effects evidencing that budget. The acting skills of...well, we'll leave them out of it. They use a park pavilion as a gas station. You know it's a gas station by the cardboard sign with the word "Gas" on it. You may want to keep the control close to you while watching, with your finger on the volume button. I think there may have been a microphone somewhere in the making. The camera work is a disaster, the plot worse, the continuity within the plot going down even further. The movie is about a transvestite redneck retarded-genius mass murderer(TRRGMM), and plot is basically: A woman gets pregnant, carries the child for thirty years until giving birth to Luther, in what is a very interesting delivery. Luther and his mother live in the woods. Their life is rough. They don't have a house, a shack, a roof, or anything else. No, they live outside. After a group of campers run over the mother, Luther vows vengeance, puts on his dead mother's dress, thus becoming the TRRGMM. It takes great skill to watch this thing the whole way through. After the first watch, it does become easier. I found myself laughing the whole way through the second round. I like the bit where you can hear traffic on the "deserted back road." You may notice that after certain people die, their bodies may become deformed, missing hands and feet, very pale, or maybe just unconvincing. The nudity scene will help you get through to the end credits, but will not redeem it in any way. If you dare see it, you may say it was the worst thing you have ever seen. I, on the other hand, can say I am familiar with the work of the Polonia brothers.
jcasetnl Let's get something out of the way, folks: the majority of the positive reviews written for this film are being done by those associated with its production. This film is so awful that I dare say it is not even a matter of opinion. Therefore, factually, this film is awful. It does not succeed as a film on any level. More was spent on the box art than on the entire film, which becomes apparent the moment the first few frames hit your television. I've probably aroused your curiosity because now you're wondering just how bad this film could possibly be, right? I guess some people have to learn the hard way.