Back Street
Back Street
| 07 February 1941 (USA)
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Previously filmed in 1932, and remade a third time in 1961, this second film version of Fannie Hurst's novel stars Margaret Sullavan as a fashion designer in love with a married banker (Charles Boyer). Directed by Robert Stevenson, the film also stars Richard Carlson, Tim Holt, Frank McHugh, Esther Dale and Cecil Cunningham.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
dimplet The strength of Back Street is the writing in the early scenes where Ray and Walter fall in love. Too many modern movies don't know how to write romantic dialogue; the two just meet, look into each other's eyes and are eternally smitten. These modern writers could learn a lot from watching Back Street. The romance is believable, and were it not, the entire movie would not work. However, we do not know for sure as we watch early on if it is true love or infatuation. And there is a feeling that certain turns of plot are dictated by the rules of motion picture morality, but they are not. Back Street is not a simple, predictable romance.So here is my ...Spoiler alert: Back Street is an adaptation of The Scarlet Letter to the 20th century. It is about adultery, but not the usual "sex-driven adultery is bad" story. It is about adultery driven by true love. The theme of true love is one that does not go out of date, nor is it at odds with political views, such as one poster suggests, feminism. And Ray is not dependent on Walter, as she has a job and later becomes a successful dress designer. She is a fairly modern woman. The lesson of Back Street that makes it relevant for today is that we, like the prudes in The Scarlet Letter, should not be so quick to judge others for romantic or sexual improprieties. Here we are in the 21st century and we are as hypocritical as the Puritans of the 17th century. When someone is found to have committed an indiscretion, we should consider the possibility that they might actually love each other, and show some understanding. Of course, in many of the bizarre stories in the news involving politicians, love probably has nothing to do with it, so much as power and stupidity. But that is not what Back Street is about; it is about the power of true love and fate.The director Robert Stevenson is not a big name, though he did some well known movies later. The most interesting element of the movie is the use of ambiguity: We do not know for sure what sort of fellow Walter is when he enters, nor for a long time afterward; nor do we know for sure what sort of person Ray is, which is how things are in life. There are hints in the plot that the viewer picks up on, such as that Curt will one day become successful with those new-fangled automobiles. But that still doesn't tell you a lot. All considering, Back Street is a realistic movie that avoids oversimplification. It even introduces the element of pain the affair causes the family and children. The element that is out of date, of course, is that these days they would just get divorced and marry each other, the feelings of the children be damned. Is that progress?
st-shot This is the second of the thrice filmed Fanny Hurst novel about the other woman. Tastefully directed and lensed by Robert Stephenson and Charles Daniels and featuring standout performances from Charles Boyer and Margaret Sullavan it is probably the best of the bunch. Traveling salesman Walter Saxel and free spirit Ray Smith meet through an acquaintance and in the course of an evening become strongly attracted to each other. He is engaged but makes a decision to marry her on board a river boat. She unfortunately misses the boat and Saxel doesn't see her for another five years marrying in the meantime. They rekindle and she becomes his mistress. As he grows in fame and fortune she remains in the shadow for decades until his children confront her.Boyer and Sullavan as the long time lovers display a wonderful chemistry with each other. Sullavan's husky voice and Boyer's suave inflection reinforced by telling glances unite the two in an odd but perfect romantic match. Richard Carlson as a well intentioned suitor is also well cast and Frank McHugh, allowed to stretch, shines as Ray's loyal friend with an eternal crush.Director Stephenson does an excellent job of keeping mood subdued without resorting to hysterics to bring life to the story. His adults behaving like adults expressing and suppressing their feelings in a tempered but passionate way gives the film a graceful tension. Cinematographer Charles Daniels turns in his usual array of impeccably lit compositions such as an evening snowfall where Ray and Walter meet for the first time in five years and the powerful final moments that he along with Stephens jarring and effectively de-romanticizes with stunning portraiture that evokes Goya.
lugonian BACK STREET (Universal, 1941), directed by Robert Stevenson, is one of the finer love stories from the "soap opera" school that owes its success to the popular 1931 novel authored by Fannie Hurst. Initially produced by Universal in 1932 starring Irene Dunne and John Boles, this latest edition not only improves in style and performance from the earlier tearjerker, but simply indicates how "great movies are not made, they're remade." Usually whenever an original product gets redone, comparisons are usually made. There's no question that the Dunne and Boles romancer proved highly successful, but in contrast, this edition benefits greatly by its fine scripting by Bruce Manning and Felix Jackson, believable performances by Charles Boyer and Margaret Sullavan, and most of all, its impressive and sensitive scoring by Frank Skinner.Following the same pattern to the original, with few alterations along the way, the story gets underway in "Cincinnati, at the turn of the century" where Ray Smith (Margaret Sullavan) parades down the street with Curt Stanton (Richard Carlson), owner of a bicycle shop who later becomes an automobile manufacturer in Michigan. While Curt loves Ray and hopes to marry her, she very much prefers her carefree lifestyle and the company of various male suitors, especially Eddie Porter (Frank McHugh), a traveling salesman. While Ray bids Eddie farewell at the train station, he introduces her to Walter Louis Saxel (Charles Boyer), a Louisiana Frenchman and prominent New York banker arriving on a short stay before leaving on the next ferryboat. Not only do Ray and Walter become better acquainted within a few hours, but fall deeply in love. Having remained in town longer than expected, Walter makes arrangements to leave. Before he does, he confesses his engagement to marry and that they will never see each other again. The following morning, however, Walter, who cannot forget Ray, telephones her to meet him at the dock. Before her arrival, Walter makes preparations for a surprise wedding that's to take place on the boat between him and Ray. As Ray closes shop to meet Walter, situations occur preventing her from arriving at all. By the time she does gets there, she finds Walter gone and the ferryboat slowly disappearing from view. Five years pass. Ray, now a clothing designer in New York City, meets Walter again, now a prominent banker. Regardless of Walter now a married man with a son, the couple find they cannot live without each other. For the next 25 years (with its final chapter set in 1928), Ray lives the "back street" of Walter's life, passing herself off to others as his wife, Mrs. Raymond Smith. Problems take its toll as the middle-aged Ray is confronted by Walter's two grown children (Tim Holt and Nell O'Day). Having known of their father's illicit affair, they make ever effort of doing something about it.The basic premise to BACK STREET is "what if?" What if Ray were able to meet Walter at the dock and marry him as planned. Would their lives have been happier? Possibly so. Had it worked out that way, then there wouldn't have been the classic story of complications as we know it. Essentially a Sullavan film, it is Boyer whose name heads the cast of such notables as Esther Dale (Mrs. Smith, Ray's stepmother); Kitty O'Neil (Mrs. Dilling, the kindly landlady); Frank Jenks (Harry Niles); Samuel S. Hinds (Felix Darren); Nella Walker (Corinne Saxel, Walter's wife); Peggy Stewart (Freda, Ray's sister); Cecil Cunningham (Mrs. Miller) and Marjorie Gateson (Mrs. Adams). There's also surprise casting of cowboy actor Tim Holt playing Boyer's son, and a more or less straight performance by funster, Frank McHugh.Boyer, the romantic, is no stranger to motion picture love stories, with LOVE AFFAIR (RKO Radio, 1939) opposite Irene Dunne, being one of his best portrayals. However, his Walter Saxel is less sympathetic due to his selfishness for keeping both wife and mistress, and the way he takes Ray for granted. One such scene is evident as Walter spends an entire summer vacationing in Europe with his wife, with Ray waiting alone in her apartment for his letters that never come. Upon his return, days after the boat docks, Walter, without considering Ray's feelings, presents the news he's a father again. Ray, on the other hand, is strong willed except when it comes to Walter. Comparing the climatic showdown between father and son in both 1932 and 1941 editions, the soft-spoken Boles, best suited for faithful husband roles, presents himself as weak while Boyer's strong voice and forceful manner, especially when telling his son to mind his own business, is truly felt. Irene Dunne (Ray Schmidt) and Margaret Sullavan (Ray Smith), two different screen personalities, form their own interpretation of the same heroine, which works well on both levels for their performances.BACK STREET proved favorable viewing with its frequent TV broadcasts throughout much of the 1970s, especially on WOR, Channel 9's "Million Dollar Movie" in New York City. In an August 1975 showing, BACK STREET was given a special broadcast without commercial interruptions. Interestingly, however, only the third retelling of the story, the 1961 modern-dress/ Technicolor version starring Susan Hayward and John Gavin was made available onto home video in the 1990s. In 2011, both 1941 and 1961 versions to BACK STREET have become available on DVD package through Turner Home Entertainment. A pity there wasn't a triple feature using all three editions to the Fanny Hurst tearjerker. Cable television history to 1941's BACK STREET consisted that of American Movie Classics (1990-1998), sometimes on the double bill with the 1932 original, and Turner Classic Movie (TCM premiere July 19, 2001.) While Boyer and Sullavan worked together again, this time in a comedy titled APPOINTMENT FOR LOVE (Universal, 1941), it's this version of BACK STREET for which they will be remembered best. (***)
theowinthrop This film (based on a Fanny Hurst best seller) is way out of date in the modern age. No self-respecting woman would be so willing to sacrifice her career for the prospect of being a millionaire's kept woman. No man, seriously in love with any woman, would put them through such a demeaning situation (they would consider divorce first of all, then remarriage). But there was supposed to be a sense of self-sacrifice by the heroine (Margaret Sullivan) that transcended the entire story.It is the acting that saves this film. Sullivan gives another of her touching performances, like THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER and SING NO SAD SONGS FOR ME. Charles Boyer is as charming as ever, here as a potentially important banker who is going to marry his boss's daughter. Instead, he meets Sullivan and is captivated by her spirit and seeming independence. She has a number of male admirers (Frank McHugh and Frank Jenks among them). She's also something of a tease, leading on the others about dating them. Boyer and Sullivan gradually fall in love, but he is resigned (for ambitions sake) to marry the boss's daughter. But he sends word to Sullivan that if she will go to the steamboat landing where he is waiting, he would marry her despite his career. She gets the message, and tries to get to the landing. But she chooses to use Jenks as her "taxi driver", and he (recalling her promise to go with him for a jaunt into the woods), takes her miles in the opposite direction. When he hears her imploring him to turn around, and realizes that she has been teasing him all along, he tells her to get out of the buggy and walk back by herself. So she misses the steamboat, and Boyer (thinking she stood him up) leaves to marry the boss's daughter.Years later, after having developed a career as a designer, she meets the married Boyer again, and he convinces her to give up her career and become his mistress. Subsequently, despite warnings from her friend McHugh, and her other boyfriend Richard Carlston, she does not give up her relationship. It lasts until the end of their lives.All the performers are good. Among the minor performances note Tim Holt as Boyer's son who first reads Sullivan the riot act, but subsequently ends up sympathizing with her. Good cast and production, but the story is as dated as a dodo.