Back in the Day
Back in the Day
| 20 May 2016 (USA)
Back in the Day Trailers

A young boxer is taken under the wing of a mob boss after his mother dies and his father is run out of town for being an abusive alcoholic.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
georgsoff So clumsy, feels like comedy, without the funny lines. Main actor better concentrate on sports than acting. Total waste
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a man from Brooklyn, who grew up in a tough neighbourhood controlled by Mafia. With the support from the highest levels of gangsters, he becomes a successful boxer after going through a rough and tough journey.I thought "Back in the Day" was a film about boxing, but it actually was a film about gangsters and their fights. I like the story because it tells how Anthony's​ childhood shapes the adult he becomes. He has a lot of good virtues, such as loyalty and determination. His friendship with Matty and his love for Maria are well portrayed, while the metaphorical and physical fights with his nemesis Dominic are realistic. I enjoyed the film.
redhell-95803 story has potential. But man most of the people in this movie deliver such bad lines and such bad acting its mostly painful. Save your time and watch something else its over 2h. 1h to 1:30 would be more than enough. Hope i save someone from watching this. A mixed blood kid grows up in a tough part of town. A mafia man helps him in his road in boxing. Sounds good right? Nope.Shannen Doherty is terrible, never though she was great but save me from her acting or lack of.Alec Baldwin has a very small part but is bearable. Danny Glover haven't seen him in a while and he did a reasonable job with what they gave him. Mike Tyson well just nice to see him i guess. William DeMeo does not look like a boxer and for me me seemed always kinda off but had a couple moments.
PWNYCNY The movie contains a lot of cheesy, stagy acting. The story is choppy and there is excessive use of flashbacks. The movie has an almost amateurish quality to it, as if it was filmed in one take and then quickly edited and put together into one reel. Nevertheless, the movie tells a good story, about a young man struggling to be a success in the mean world populated by a lot of shady people. The movie succeeds in making the audience care about what happens to him. To be a winner he has to overcome numerous obstacles. Of course, the premise is contrived, but that aside, it still succeeds as a story. One leaves the theatre feeling good about the young man and about all he has to go through to achieve redemption. That the story is set in Brooklyn, New York gives it a gritty quality which further strengthens the movie. Although this movie has its flaws, it also has its strong points, and is worth watching.
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