Babes in Toyland
Babes in Toyland
G | 14 December 1961 (USA)
Babes in Toyland Trailers

All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses! The "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a "happily ever after" for Tom and Mary!

Alicia I love this movie so much
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Bradley Baum I have just seen a wonderful film for the first time! It is the first wonderful film in ages having seen a load of dreadful ones including two by the usually wonderful Disney Corporation Maleficent and, yes, Frozen which was, admittedly, better than Maleficent but neither of those are as good as this seriously underrated classic! Now I have no doubt the Laurel and Hardy version will be better than this one as it is very rare that a remake is better than the original but as I've not seen that one yet I can only go by this one for what it is. This a fun enjoyable musical with some wonderful songs wonderful over-the-top hammy acting a wonderful storyline wonderful bright colours and wonderful dancing! Oh, and I am a middle-aged man thus proving this is not just a film for children! This is a film that can be watched and enjoyed by one and all!
TheLittleSongbird Babes in Toyland may not be a "great" film, but it does have a lot of charms, well at least for me it did. The direction is at times lacking in pizazz and comes across as stodgy, making the film drag a bit in the less eventful parts. The story is rather thin, sometimes uneventful which bogs the pace down(but this is not in the entire film), and while Tommy Sands does have moments where he shines like in his gypsy drag scene at other points he's dull. Babes in Toyland looks colourful and the production values are simple and very pretty. Victor Herbert's score is a very pleasant one, it's not one of his greatest scores but it has songs that are both melodious and catchy. The choreography is light-on-its-feet and enough to tap the toes, so there is some liveliness to be had. The story is nothing really special, but there is a wonderful weirdness and wondrous fantasy atmosphere. That can especially be seen in the March of the Wooden Toy Soldiers sequence, which is the prime example of where you can find the film's clever special effects. There are some nice funny moments, and some slapstick(from personal perspective it wasn't that misplaced though it did have a Laurel and Hardy feel) and a lot of heart-warming charm. Don't expect fully developed characters, particularly with Tom and Mary, but they're hardly shallow either, the most colourful of them are Barnaby and the Toymaker. The performances are entertaining. Annette Funicello is a beauty and gives a charming performance, Ann Jillian doesn't have much to do but shows off her beautiful singing voice and child stars Kevin Cocoran and Tommy Kirk pop up too and are similarly appealing. The best of the lot go to Ed Wynn and particularly Ray Bolger. Wynn is both zany and warm-hearted, some of the film's most entertaining moments are with him. With Bolger, when you think of him you don't usually think of him playing a villain, but he does here and is delightfully wicked and seems to be having fun without over-compensating. In conclusion, as far as Disney live-action musicals Babes in Toyland is not as good as Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks and lacks both films' magic, but it is still a nice fun film that shouldn't demand too much. 7/10 Bethany Cox
nanabenntofive Babes In Toyland was one of my favorite movies when I was a little girl. It allowed me the assurance of innocence for a little while longer. And even the age of fifty, I can watch this movie, close my eyes and be in 'Mary's' place and getting married to Tom....I actually married a 'Tom'. Wish my grandkids could feel that innocence for a little while.....time goes by so quickly. Yes, it was a silly movie...but to a little was a fantasy....the way movies should be. Dang, I am sounding old! ha-ha The music, the innocent romance...the good verses evil even in the least dangerous of ways, gives a little girl a chance to get away....just for a little while..and wish upon a star.....
silasbarnabyandpattiecat You know, this is one of those grossly underrated, wonderful treasures of a movie. It's rather simple, with the fanciest effects being the movement of the toy soldiers, which was ahead of its time, but it's a true case of simple is beautiful. It's a fantastic movie for those who just wish to sit back, and laugh with the family, and have an adventure in fantasy land. The play is still being put on around the world, and this, to me, is just the best captured version. There's really something for everyone - Ray Bolger ( who looked really spectacular, very handsome in his role as Barnaby), Annette (who is always charming for being the sweetheart we all know), Tommy Sands as the daring hero, and the team of Henrey Calvin and Gene Sheldon, along with the forever amusing Ed Wynn. This movie turns out more of a comedy, and the adventures that encompass Mary and Tom Piper, when crossed by Barnaby, double crossed by Gonzorgo and Rodrigo are hilarious. This is primarily a Christmas movie, but it's set so you can watch it anytime of the year - and so you should! I still cannot get over Ray bolger as a villian....he does a lovely job, and looks terrific, but if you only know him as the scarecrow, you'll especially need to see this! He makes the statement relavent that he is very, very, very versatile, and one of our greatest entertainment treasures.