Autopsy: A Love Story
Autopsy: A Love Story
NR | 15 June 2002 (USA)
Autopsy: A Love Story Trailers

The lonely Charlie Bickle works in a morgue owned by the corrupt Dr. Dale Brodsky cremating bodies and lives with his crippled wife Mary. Dr. Dale illegally sells body parts before the cremation, bribing dirty policemen. When Charlie meets the suicidal Jane Doe, he falls in love for her and dates the corpse until her twin sister comes to the morgue seeking her missing sister.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
manjodude A quite striking movie with a subtle horror touch.When I started off watching Autopsy, the expectations were low. But I must say if this movie was made with a pretty high-figure budget with the same director, it would have done much, much better commercially.I really liked the direction, the way the plot moves and the performances especially that of Joe Estevez as the corrupt morgue doctor Dale Brodsky. He's truly an actor and I felt he resembled the Sheens. So it was a pleasant surprise when I read later that he's the younger bro of Martin Sheen :) The other fellow who lifts the movie with his sincere performance is John Scott Mills as Charlie Bickle, the morgue worker. Dina Osmussen as Jane Doe is pretty and also acts fairly.Well, there were couple of bloopers which could have been avoided. One of the dead bodies who has eyes open began to shed a tear when the camera panned on her face for a long while :) Another horror(not a compliment) was the makeup on the dead faces! I guess they tried within whatever budget they had.Verdict: Still a good effort. One of the better B-grade horror movies I've seen.
BA_Harrison Lonely morgue assistant Charlie Bickle (John Scott Mills) acquires 'healthy' anonymous corpses so that his boss, Dr. Dale Brodsky (Joe Estevez), can harvest their organs for sale on the black market; but when Charlie falls for his latest 'Jane Doe' (Dina Osmussen), he spares her this gruesome fate, instead keeping her body intact (at least until it starts to decay) for tender moments of late night romance.Twisted, dark and humorous: three words that grace the DVD cover for Autopsy: A Love story. Well I've got three more: dull, cheap, and amateurish. Oh, and here's another three: waste of time. And while I'm at it, have these as well: mind numbing garbage.Corpse lovin' can make for some seriously deviant cinema, but having read that Autopsy aims for psychological horror rather than visceral vulgarity, the last thing I expected was another Nekromantik or Aftermath; on the other hand, I hadn't reckoned on being bored out of my skull by an hour and a half of inept shot-on-video dreck either. With awful acting, dire direction and a plot that is even more lifeless than its leading lady, Autopsy stinks higher than a three week old stiff.
Adam I have seen Meet the Spartans and some other movies that actually made me depressed for having wasted so many minutes of my life, but I have grown smarter now that I'm older and fast forward to the nudity if it doesn't look like a promising movie. Well fast-forwarded all the way through and NO NUDITY so I'm just like sod this, especially after I saw the low rating it already received on IMDb. From the first five minutes you can tell this was a low-budget film with bad directing thus bad acting. No nudity, no violence, no redeeming qualities except the fact that this is one more movie that I have rated on IMDb and I did borrow this for free from the local library. But you couldn't pay me $10 to sit and watch the whole thing through, or even $20.
merklekranz I am not opposed to ultra low budget direct to video productions. A couple come to mind ( "Night Feeders" and "Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction") that were somewhat amusing, sort of the "cream of the crap". What we have here is a one joke movie that plays out in the first ten minutes, with no further development. You can ride the fast forward button for the remaining time, miss nothing, and avoid having to listen to Jose Estevez doing a stale Martin Sheen imitation for another 70 minutes. The subject of having a love affair with a corpse was handled far better in "Mortuary Academy", a movie which I highly recommend. - MERK