Aussie Park Boyz
Aussie Park Boyz
R | 01 January 2004 (USA)
Aussie Park Boyz Trailers

Deals with the challenges of ethnic hatred while growing up on the streets of Western Australia. Italo-Australians Cam and Pepe organise street fights for money, we follow their further criminal bumblings.

TinsHeadline Touches You
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Andy_Mitchy This is by far the worst movie that I have ever seen. It includes the worst acting known to man, the worst soundtrack imaginable, the cheesiest cinematography and more. Every aspect of this movie is by far the worst I have ever seen in its realm. The screenplay is so bad it cannot be expressed in words.But.. on the upside, this movie has given me more laughs than any other movie I have ever seen. I have watched this piece of sh*t four times so far, and if my friend hadn't lost the DVD, I would have seen it more than that.This movie is unique in the fact that it is BY FAR the worst movie ever made, and in being that, it is absolutely hilarious. Every time I have watched this it has made me crack up from start to finish. The soundtrack, the characters, the "acting", the complete and utter randomness of the scenes, and total lack of realism all come together in a whirlwind of lameness to form the funniest thing I have ever seen on film.This movie is an absolute classic: it is the BEST worst movie ever.
chalker1 within about 5 minutes in to the film the first fight scene i was watching i just could help but pointout the lack of tension in the scene the cameras crossing back and forth really shows he had no idea what he was doing, well actually the soundtrack shows that the best. i no its a low budget film and your not going to get top 40 songs but at least get music that goes with the scene that isn't actually that hard acting, well if i saw any i would gladly let you know. the script was so badly written would now surprise me one bit of the guy directing wrote this piece of beep, i will give the person one 10/10 and that was for the DVD cover because if i actually saw "before watching this" in a shop and it was like 10 15 bucks i would have bought it, why well if you look at the front cover this actually well done you flip over to the back and you see that it has actually won awards. now that is a very misleading thing because even in a small film festival i wouldn't ever believe in my life that this would win anything all i can say is "wow if this was the best i wouldn't want to know what the crap in the film festival was like"films that are this bad only have one good use and that is for a aspiring film maker to use as inspiration films like this are better tools then good films, because with good film you almost know off the bat there is a good chance you wont make a film that good, but if you use a film like this you can look at all the things they director or writer did wrong so you wont make the same mistakes, and you have the added plus of looking at this film and saying if a piece of beep like this can get made then there is hope of anyone out there
digger2640 I love watching Australian movies but this steaming pile of crap was just plain embarrassing. The DVD cover looked promising but you know what they say, don't judge a DVD by it's cover. I also noticed that it won Best Actor for an award but the competition must have been really bad because the acting in this film is pathetic. It just seemed that the director thought he had enough talent to direct and act when he should really focus on one part of film-making and get it right before spreading himself too thin. The music was pretty ordinary. The story really didn't go anywhere. It was just a sequence of fights strung together with poor script and cheesy dialogue.I will say this to all aspiring filmmakers though. Watch this film. It will give you hope that your film will win something at some festival.However, good on them for getting in there and having a go. Hope they learned some lessons and their next venture is a little better.
Edward I thought the movie was pretty good. Yeah, it did look like it was shot with a camcorder. And the music in the movie sounded like something out of a gay nightclub. Still, you can't deny how realistic the fight scenes were shot. I think the fight scenes alone, compensated for lack of plot, budget, soundtrack, descent actors. Like the fight scene where they first enter prison, or fight scenes near the end where it seemed like they were taking on every gang in Australia.(The Warriors) I like a good plot as much as the next guy, but I'm still going to remain and action movie junkie until the day I die. And this particular movie fits my standards as something I can sit and watch without looking at my watch. Later.
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