| 08 July 2005 (USA)
Aurore Trailers

After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Sonofamoviegeek There are too many formula films made in Canada where Chicago-wannabe Toronto masquerades as, well, Chicago. (Think "Big Fat Greek Wedding") Aurore is a Canadian film that tells a Canadian story well using the filmmaker's craft. It says a lot about the state of English film in Canada that this gem had to come out of Quebec. As the story unfolded, the film evoked two different emotions in me. The first emotion was shame that such terrible events could happen in this country. That says something about the film maker's fidelity to the facts and his ability to convey the brutal truth.The second emotion was pride that Canada could produce such a fine film. I grew up in Quebec and this film captures rural Quebec perfectly. Whether this film captures the period properly, I don't know as I wasn't around then but I feel it was almost perfect in the little touches such as the Prosecutor speaking English-accented French. There are a number of religious allusions in Aurore that are set out right at the start where the film is dedicated to Aurore who suffered so that other children shouldn't suffer from the same insanity. Aurore is portrayed as a Christ-figure with the priest as her very Judas Iscariot. The priest even commits suicide in a field , as did Judas.My only complaint with Aurore and why I didn't give it a 10 is the dull English subtitles. My French isn't very good but some of the subtitles are dull. When Aurore dies, the doctor pronounces "c'est fini" (It is finished, one of the Seven Words from the cross)which is translated as "It's over". The lousy subtitles may be the main reason why Aurore didn't get more attention in English Canada and the U.S.
anna-maki I notice that I am the first person to post a comment from the U.S. What a SHAME that this movie has remained so limited in its access to a larger audience! If it wasn't for my family in Montreal, I would never have even known of this film's existence. Nevertheless, I was completely moved by this sad story of an innocent little girl's tragically painful life. It is a candid and horrific portrayal of human suffering and, though thoroughly difficult at times to watch, an important movie to see. I find that it puts a face on child abuse as well as well as the scary human tendency to "look the other way" when faced with difficult situations. It's truly an eye-opening and gut-wrenching movie experience that leaves you crying, angry and frustrated.I was not familiar with any of the actors in the film, but I was supremely impressed with their acting capabilities. They draw you into the story in a way that makes you feel a part of it and, all the while, you forget that you are having to read subtitles (because, alas, I do not speak French).I will recommend this movie to anyone and everyone, but I will be sure to preface my suggestion with a warning. This movie will rock you to the core and not everyone likes movies that are uncomfortable to watch. That being said, sometimes it is important to be made uneasy, it gets you to think and feel in a way that is important and, I believe, necessary.
key_up I saw the original movie as a child and was so saddened by what this young lady went through. It was of course in black and white and very realistic for that time period. The original version was in french but even people who did not understand a word of french were lined up to see it because of all the hype about it. French people would be translating to the non-french viewers as the movie was going on. This updated version is done very well and, I am still to this day saddened and haunted by this young lady's tragic life story. Even in this day and age where we see and hear about so many neglected and abused children(because it was not talked about in those days) this story still stays with me.........
globalayer Yes it's a good movie, but many of scenes it wasn't complete, example: during the chattering between 2 characters, the fade appear and this is the scene change.This story is normally longer, Luc Dionne could easily make a 3 hours time of movie with the same context.I was very disappointed for the music, Michel Cusson should be practice before to compose a music for a precious movie. In this time, Luc Dionne should to hire Yoko Kanno or John Williams, anyway the masters of the movies musics. Not only the spectators will applause but will cry the Aurore's martyrdom during the movie and after.Sorry for my English... i did my best