Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan
NR | 30 September 2015 (USA)
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100 years ago, titans suddenly appeared on Earth. Soon, human civilization veered on collapse due to the titans. Humans then built a giant wall to defend themselves. Within the giant walls, humans lived in peace, but, 100 years later, the giant wall is broken.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
gutsthealchemist I'm an Attack on Titan fan so the idea of a live-action movie excites me! I heard a lot of bad stuff from this, though so I went in not expecting much. I also watched the dubbed version even though it wouldn't match the lip flaps. And... it's okay. It's not good, but it's not bad, either. It's better than DragonBall Evolution, I can tell ya that much
russellian This movie was picked up by Toho back when the manga was first starting out. It wasn't supposed to be an adaptation of the anime. A fan of something should be open to other versions of the same story. A true Attack on Titan should at least think this movie is descent. It is NOT utter trash. This movie is a homage to the things that inspired he manga in he first place. This movie is not for the fans of the anime, it's for Kaiju movie fans.
draak-16269 It's a nice action movie this one. I don't agree with all these bad reviewers that gave the movie a low ranking. I don't know anything about the previous stories or movies so just blank in this one. I think it's a solid action movie with sci-fi features. I enjoyed the whole ride and don't care about it's story that much. It's just entertaining. Special effects are sometimes nice and sometimes a bit outdated but it got my attention the whole movie through.I would say just watch and it's better then the reviews say it is. Just a nice Japanese movie to watch.Just watch it and then decide.It's my first review. I think it's underrated. Seen lots of movies so i can compare it.
o_ixmidight I'm seriously begging for a future remake of this movie to save the franchise and its reputation. And (hopefully) the next time they do it, they should at least make it look like they actually give a s*** about it. I'm not gonna try to be redundant about my disappointment since the rest of the reviews here already said my thoughts. But seriously... Levi?? Why?? Oh, and that f***** potato girl by the way should have been cut out instead, if they're to change characters. Stick to the actual storyline and adapt them to the big screen. Please give this movie the glory it deserves. That is all.