Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead
Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead
NR | 25 December 2007 (USA)
Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead Trailers

A psycho scientist sent in to inoculate the luscious young student bodies against a new virus makes a little error in judgment, resulting in a not-so-little flesh-eating zombie problem. Now, with most of the school and all of the teachers running amuck, eating each other, having rabid sex and juggling, it's up to Aki and her new found allies on the Girls Swim Team to take care of business.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Andres Salama This, direct to video, amateurish Japanese exploitation film is sloppy, ridiculous and almost worthless. There is some gore (for those who are into that) and some soft core nudity of its attractive actresses (including a very steamy scene in which one of them masturbates off-camera other girl, for which I'll give the film a couple of stars instead of zero ones), but the plot makes no sense and the acting in it is atrocious. Basically, as far as one can discern, some zombies attack a girl's high school, but somehow the girls in the swimming team are immune to the attacks (it must be something in the water of the swimming pool) so it is up to them to counterattack. Even those who like exploitation films, want to have some decent plot in it to make sense.
lazarillo As the English title suggests this is a movie about a girls' swim team fighting undead zombies. The zombies are the result of a plague that has taken over a school, but one which the girls' swim team is somehow immune to as the result of spending a lot of time in a chlorinated pool. It also helps that the new girl and latest swim-team member is an orphan who has been trained as a spy and a martial arts expert (at least when her horny sensei/mad scientist wasn't busy playing the flute or having boob-bouncing sex with her).I'm actually not a fan of modern-day sex films because they just have too much sex in them. I'm also not fan of modern-day zombie films because there are just too damn many of them. Both "genres" today are more often than not shot on digital video, which doesn't always look bad, but has one very major drawback--any idiot can do it (and it's usually idiots that DO do it). This SOV zombie-sex movie seemingly has three strikes against it from the get-go, but it's not THAT bad. First off, the sex and zombie elements may not entirely work together, but the gory zombie stuff does serve to make this less boring than your typical straight sex movie, and all the naked and nubile Japanese girls do serve to make this more enjoyable than your usual inept SOV zombie movie. I think low-budget American filmmakers (or, um, video-makers) are actually beginning to catch on to this Japanese extreme sex-and-violence hybrid formula with recent movies like "Bad Biology" and "Black Devil Doll".This movie also has a few funny sequences like the zombified math teacher who babbles some word problem about apples and then cuts off the head of a student with a samurai sword when he doesn't like her answer. And the girls are all very cute and they spend most of the movie dressed in butt-hugging one-piece swimsuits (when they're not actually naked, that is). This okay I guess.
movieman_kev Aki arrives at a new school on the same day as a new zombie virus outbreak is starting due to a faulty vaccination. She must save the school. OK, not really that much of a story to this one, but you get a boatload of ultra-gore (even if it's very cheesy and fake looking), frequent nudity, lesbianism & a laser vagina, what more can you expect from a Japanese film with this title?? Not really a good film by even the most lenient of traditional standards, however I found myself having fun with it (to an extent). On the downside, even at less then an hour & a half, it does seem to go on a bit too long Eye Candy: Sasa Handa frequently shows T&A; 2 other shows tits My Grade: D+ DVD Extras:the Region 1 DVD has no extras
dbborroughs Shot on video film about a girls swim team that is forced to battle flesh eating zombies when a new "popular" virus that is spread by people who don't wash their hands begins running rampant in the school.This is nothing but zombies and cute Japanese girls in and out of swimsuits. There is a great deal of blood, violence and gratuitous nudity and very little in the way of plot. I dare you to try to come up with anything to say about it other than it is exactly what it is, there is no attempt to be deep and meaningful just chicks and chomps. I think I've found one of the few films that defies criticism except if you're offended by this sort of thing. I don't know if its good or if its bad, but it as niche as you can go.