Atomic Rulers
Atomic Rulers
| 10 April 1965 (USA)
Atomic Rulers Trailers

Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
JLRVancouver As an Anglicised compilation of episodes 1 and 2 of the Japanese children's adventure series"Super Giant", "Atomic Rulers of the World" is likely less than the sum of its parts. Despite a promisingly surreal (if cheap-looking) opening on the "Emerald Planet", in which the hero is introduced, the movie quickly degenerates into a repetitious sequence of chases and fights between 'Starman' (as the hero 'Super Giant' is renamed) and some generic foreign gangsters who are trying to take over the world (starting, of course, with Japan). The dubbing and the music in the English version I watched contributes to the impression that this is just a cheaply-made attempt to cash in on the then popular George Reeve Superman serial. The special effects are awful, and other than the aforementioned meeting on the Emerald Planet, consist of little beyond repeated shots of a flying Starman, silly film reversals, and extraordinarily bargain-basement looking sets and miniatures (such as the helicopter). As Starman, Ken Utsui is stuck in a flimsy caped-costume that becomes embarrassingly transparent when wet and includes the legendary stuffed crotch, an embarrassment with which the actor had to contend for the rest of his career. "Atomic Rulers of the World" was the first of four films adapting the "Super Giant" series, and is supposedly the worst, the next three having reputations for the delirious special effects for which most Japanese tokusatsu, no matter how cheaply made, are known. As such, while not much as stand-alone time-waster, the film may serve as an introduction to more entertaining fare.
Bezenby Starman this time is out to thwart a country of loons who want to nuke the earth, starting with Japan! Starman is sent to Earth to give these baddies a knuckle supper and to stop radiation spreading through the universe (which is full of radiation anyway, let's not think about it).Of course there's kids here to help Starman out, if you can call stealing nuclear material 'helping'. Also, some cops, a nun, and others you won't care about because these films are all about the arse kicking.This one is definitely lacking in Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps). There's no lizard men or...whatever those aliens in Evil Brain from Outer Space were...or even any Evil Brains. Starman does manage to survive a nuclear blast before taking on about fifty guys at a time though.Got to agree with the majority though...this should be one of your last Starman choices - Evil Brain and Invaders from Space are much better.
kumanoken Ah, Starman. Clearly influenced by the b/w "Adventures of Superman"series, and possibly the Republic serial "The Adventures of CaptainMarvel," these flicks are good, old-fashioned fun. The only bummer isthat this first installment is very, very dull and doesn't feature theloony aliens that would make the later entries so memorable. Instead ourhero goes up against guys in suits and fedoras.You can afford to miss this one, but don't miss "Evil Brain From OuterSpace" and the ultra-surreal "Invaders From Space," which featuresStarman thwarting the salamander-men of the planet Pulimon (you will notbelieve their modern dance troupe of doom). And the DVDs are loaded withextra goodies, including episodes of the long-forgotten b/w Japanesecartoon "Prince Planet" which is a hell of a lot more fun than Iremembered
kragshot I remember this series of films from my childhood. The Saturday afternoon cinema on local(Chicago) television ran this and other films of this genre on a regular basis. That's something that is sorely missed by the author.This particular film, along with the other films in the "Starman" series, was fun in several ways. As a child, the fight scenes were action-filled, yet not very brutal or vicious. He threw folks around and occasionally struck them, but nothing graphically harmful. The bad guys were evil, yet not frighteningly so. The film also made sure that you knew they would get theirs in the end. When I found a copy of this film about 5 years ago, I snatched it up at once. However, this is a film for a genre fan. I would not suggest this in any way to be a mainstream hit. Do not come to view this film with any typical American or modern stereotypes in your head about what a film of this type should be. Leave your preconceptions at the door and enter a black and white world where the forces of good have a very visible and stalwart champion...Starman!