Assault Girls
Assault Girls
| 19 December 2009 (USA)
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Three women and one man - with an assortment of weaponry - wage war against giant mutant sandwhales in a barren digital landscape, all to achieve points within the virtual reality video game called Avalon.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Michael Ledo This is without a doubt one of the worst Asian Sci-fi I have ever seen and I am including the original "Final Fantasy VII" film. The first 8 minutes of this 70 minutes film is a monologue explaining the state of the world and people seek enjoyment in virtual video games. Then we see a snail, appropriately enough, then another 6 minutes of a guy walking in a barren wasteland. Four fighters team up to fight the end boss, because they can't fight him alone. I am sure there was some cultural aspect I was missing. What was Lucifer and the derby and dance thing? Might be good for people who like to watch gamers.Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
Rabh17 I give this a 7 because of the Introduction: It was Long. Looooong. Talky-talky Loooooong. Boringly LONG! I began to wonder if I had mistakenly streamed a documentary.But really, you don't need the beginning Blah-Blah-blah to enjoy this flick. So Fast-Forward past the first 8 minutes. Don't need it.Now to enjoy this movie-- you get extra oomph if you are a Gamer, because this flick is speaking on a basic level about Gaming and what it does to people, and thru implication, to greater society. Now the other reviews have the plot firmly on the head. A couple of female players team up to take on a mega-dragon/sandworm.But that's not really the plot-- it's a context. And the Movie itself, is a Commentary.Warning-- especially to Gamers. Even though it's about a Game-- it's Not non-stop blood guts and explosions. Instead it's scenically poetic. And when the action happens it's very nicely FX-ed, but it's pointedly emplaced.Instead, pay attention to the Characters and the direction the Dialogue is going. When the End comes, because I have placed an online game, I actually busted out laughing because IT MADE SENSE! And it was that moment that made the entire flick pleasantly enjoyable (Minus the 8 minutes of blah-blah-blah, that is) I wouldn't make this a Main event movie for a Saturday night though. I'd stage this as a Friday night runner-up with some friends. Even Better if ALL of you do online games. You'll get a kick out of this one.Extra Warning-- Even though the lead actors are women, this is NOT a Girlfriend Friendly Flick. . .unless she's totally cool and she also plays online games with you.
dbborroughs Mamoru Oshii's latest film is a supposedly linked to his film in the portmanteau film called Kill. It is also a second go round in the world of Avalon, which is the name of one of his other live action films. The earlier film deals with a woman who is paid to play in an online game set in a world called Avalon. The earlier film is a very good looking film but one that people either lover of hate.Assault Girls is a film that I think most people are going to hate. The film begins with a very dense very complicated narrated sequence that sets up everything and explains a new version of Avalon. Its a sequence that is so long and so rambling that I ended up checking how much time elapsed on the DVD, eight minutes and it was still going.Once Oshii gets all of the words out the way the film descends into the excesses of the earlier film which are these beautiful but almost silent sequences that seem to have been designed to look good but don't really work outside of that. Yea things like the giant worm gotcha bit that immediately follows the narration is nice but it takes too long to get to the punchline.Give the film points for looking good and very much like anime come to life, but strip away even more for technical gaffes like having all of the battlefield dialog spoken into masks which makes understanding what is ever is said near impossible. The fact that this Japanese film was made in English with actors who don't speak the language well enough doesn't help either.(yes they speak fine when unmasked, but with the masks its a almost unintelligible.) Worse is the pacing. Outside of the early worm hunts not a whole heck of a lot happens until the end. This is not real life reflected back at us, this is four characters walking across a blank landscape. Yea there is some action at the end but I'm guessing that most people who have the film play out to the end credits only had it do so because they fell asleep on the film and were woken up by the loud music that plays with the credits.Give the film 10 points for the look. Take away about twenty five for the boredom.
latinwolf316 Just saw this movie at the New York Anime Festival and it was a major disappointment, making me wish I didn't waste time waiting to see it when I could have gone home sooner. The first 15-20 minutes of the movie had a narrator describing the economic conditions leading up to this video game world. This should have and could have been done in less time. The few fight scenes that there were in this movie were very short. Some people walked out within the first 30 minutes of this movie and the remaining audience started giving this movie the MST 3000 treatment. I don't think anyone watching this movei liked it going by the audience responses. It takes more than trying to look artsy to make a movie, there has to be some plot and this movie really had none. Really I've seen porn movies with more plot than this stinker.